Have ya ever met a happy atheist?

How did you determine that it's just as likely? We know for a fact that coincidences and hallucinations occur. How would you demonstrate that a particular occurence wasn't the work of a "higher power"?

Because if you can't, then congratulations, you have an unfalsifiable proposition, and thus no good reason to believe it.

Again, (for about 20th time), you're trying to put God into a test tube. You can't. You're applying rules of the physical plane to the spiritual plane, and they simply aren't applicable.

Moreover, you've just demonstrated that you do not, in fact, care if you believe false things. If you did, then you would take the effort to investigate whether or not you're wrong.

That's complete fabrication (and quite a stretch) on your part.

For one, you have absolutely zero way to determine what I care about.

Secondly, you're (once again) trying to put God into a test tube and apply science to something that is practically impossible to apply science to. (You seem to be having real difficulty with this concept.)

Thirdly, you're assuming entirely too much as to what I have or haven't "taken the effort to do". In fact, you know barely a notch above zero what I have or have not done, so you're in no position at all to make determinations of me.

If Johnny is sitting on a bench eating his lunch, and suddenly he picks up and moves 20 feet over to another bench, and two minutes later a car careens out of control and runs over the very bench that he was sitting in, then Johnny jumps up and says "I was just sitting there and something told me to get up and move, so I did! Holy crap I almost just got killed!"

Assuming that Johnny is being truthful, A) you couldn't prove that it was coincidence, B) you might be able to prove that he was hallucinating, and C) you couldn't prove that it wasn't a higher power.

At the same time I couldn't prove that it was a higher power, because it's an impossible thing to prove. But Johnny knows. Because he, like Jules in Pulp Fiction, he felt that God got involved and it wasn't just some coincidence or sixth sense to him. He spiritually felt the presence of God.

When "my reality" contains a god that tells me to fly planes into your buildings, is it still just my reality? You don't think that reality is objective and independent of what people believe about it? You don't think that we all share space in the same universe?

It's still just your spiritual reality.

I don't believe God would ever tell anyone to murder anyone. So our physical worlds may collide and collide violently, and I might even become a physical victim of your spiritual troubles, but spiritually we would be worlds apart in spite of participating in the same physical event.

The spiritual experience that I got out of that event would be entirely different than yours.
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some people just don't have any sort of spirituality about them, and they can't even comprehend what that even means. maybe they never will. :shrug:
So explain the process when the car does hit a kid sitting on a bench? Kills him. Explain that one.
So explain the process when the car does hit a kid sitting on a bench? Kills him. Explain that one.

That's... definitely a big question.

I personally can't "explain" it, but... I can definitely look at it from a few different perspectives.

  • Who gives a shit? A kid died, big deal. What's one less life on the face of the earth anyway? Life is meaningless. Sucks to be him, but oh well.

  • That child was prematurely cut off in his passage through life. It's a tragedy! And the driver should be shot/hung/stabbed/beaten to death!

  • That spirit's passage through the physical plane was cut short due to the actions of someone else. But he'll be back, and his spiritual journey will start again.

  • That child died to bring that driver to face himself. (Or his parents. Or any other spiritual purpose.)

    The child didn't mind to die, he volunteered to be here and didn't mind shedding his mortal frame to help another spirit, it's what he signed up for.

I don't really have an opinion on which is reality... but I do have my preference, and it's certainly the last two.
some people just don't have any sort of spirituality about them, and they can't even comprehend what that even means. maybe they never will. :shrug:

this is the kind of talk you commonly hear from that crazy aunt who believes in palmistry, crystals and talking to dead relatives
That's... definitely a big question.

I personally can't "explain" it, but... I can definitely look at it from a few different perspectives.

  • Who gives a shit? A kid died, big deal. What's one less life on the face of the earth anyway? Life is meaningless. Sucks to be him, but oh well.

  • That child was prematurely cut off in his passage through life. It's a tragedy! And the driver should be shot/hung/stabbed/beaten to death!

  • That spirit's passage through the physical plane was cut short due to the actions of someone else. But he'll be back, and his spiritual journey will start again.

  • That child died to bring that driver to face himself. (Or his parents. Or any other spiritual purpose.)

    The child didn't mind to die, he volunteered to be here and didn't mind shedding his mortal frame to help another spirit, it's what he signed up for.

I don't really have an opinion on which is reality... but I do have my preference, and it's certainly the last two.

So just random odds have no chance in your view?
For someone that didn't want to write His defense, you are writing a lot on His defense.

Sup Rey

It's a conversation, and an interesting comparison of perspectives.

I don't really see anybody preaching to anyone.

Your mileage may vary, depending on how much you drank today.
The bible is pretty much where the christians idea of morality comes from. You are free to kill steal rape etc. The only thing stopping you is laws and punishments based upon the morality of the bible.

So... all the muslims, hindus, buddhists, and every other people who couldn't give two shits about the bible... where do they fit into this?
So... all the muslims, hindus, buddhists, and every other people who couldn't give two shits about the bible... where do they fit into this?

Well, its a mix of their own religious belief systems that probably have similar points and if they are living in the U.S. for instance, regardless of what their religious system says, in this primarily Christian nation, they are still governed by Christian morality whether they like it or not. Just as Christians can be involved on the morality of the primarily Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist nations who's laws likely also originate with the majority's religious beliefs.
So explain the process when the car does hit a kid sitting on a bench? Kills him. Explain that one.

That's the thing. Havax prays, sings praise, sways and chants to a God he cannot see-- the difference between me and his God is that if I had the ability to stop a child from being raped, I would. Havax's God watches it all with amusement.
Well, its a mix of their own religious belief systems that probably have similar points and if they are living in the U.S. for instance, regardless of what their religious system says, in this primarily Christian nation, they are still governed by Christian morality whether they like it or not. Just as Christians can be involved on the morality of the primarily Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist nations who's laws likely also originate with the majority's religious beliefs.

I think I got lost somewhere in this thread cuz..... I don't get it.

Societies developed all over the world without the Bible, yet still came to the same conclusion that stealing is bad, murder is bad, lying is bad, etc.

Morality exists without the bible.

And regardless of that anyway, you presented a contradiction earlier that life is meaningless, or is only meaningful to yourself, and who gives a fuck, etc.

And my point was, (nothing to do with the bible), that if life is meaningless, and spirituality and a higher power are illusions, then where does morality come from, especially across all of the cultures, religions, (or lack of religions), and environments?

Why should I not kill/rape/steal/whatever if I can get away with it?
That's the thing. Havax prays, sings praise, sways and chants to a God he cannot see-- the difference between me and his God is that if I had the ability to stop a child from being raped, I would. Havax's God watches it all with amusement.

stop pretending like you know who I am, loser.
stop pretending like you know who I am, loser.

I wrote and defended a thesis. You mailed yours in to Phoenix University. You've all the intellect of mud, and everyone here knows it. Even the people that agree with your point of view agree on your level of stupid.

Sitting in Texas and losing could be a book, were you literate. All you can muster is "lol" while the rest of us know you are kicking your pet. You're the dictionary definition of idiot, terminally stupid, and were you to die in the next minute, the rest of us would go make a sandwich. You matter to no one.

I think I got lost somewhere in this thread cuz..... I don't get it.

Societies developed all over the world without the Bible, yet still came to the same conclusion that stealing is bad, murder is bad, lying is bad, etc.

Morality exists without the bible.

And regardless of that anyway, you presented a contradiction earlier that life is meaningless, or is only meaningful to yourself, and who gives a fuck, etc.

And my point was, (nothing to do with the bible), that if life is meaningless, and spirituality and a higher power are illusions, then where does morality come from, especially across all of the cultures, religions, (or lack of religions), and environments?

Why should I not kill/rape/steal/whatever if I can get away with it?

Christianity, Islam, Judasim are not remotely the first religion(s) and much of the base of the "story" all the Abrahamic religions was pulled from previous religions.