Lost my best friend growing up to opiates today

Opiates are fucked up and its hard to understand how/why someone could use them if they are well aware that it means imminent death. But, once they're addicts, it's what they want most out of life and it's almost impossible to stop - even guys that are clean for 25 years can just one day relapse. The best thing to do is to just go ahead and excommunicate everyone from your life that is an addict and tell them that you'll be there to help but they have to come ask for the support and want to fix their lives - addicts drag down their families and empty bank accounts getting treatment and nothing changes so just gotta make those hard blunt choices early on.
my drunk dead beat neighbor went in for a caugh and came out with some oxy the other day

every dead beat pos who lost point or purpose in our lost country has a stack of these things in their pocket

This is what I was talking about. Doctors are prescribing oxy’s when they know they shouldn’t be. Why do you think they are giving scripts out like candy? Because Obama? They been doing this way before Obamacare.

I believe it is the Pharmas driving this particular plague, you don’t?

I am not saying universal healthcare isn’t contributing, it is feeding taxpayer money into the pharmas for sure, but it isn’t the driving force, it’s the pharmas. Do you know how many people in the trades, sports or other physically demanding jobs leads to addiction? Someone with insurance has back pain is given Percocets, then they want more and more and before you know it they are junkies. I personally know several hardworking people in the trades this happened too. These were good taxpaying people. They would of been better served if the doctors let them deal with the pain naturally but taking it easy.
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This is what I was talking about. Doctors are prescribing oxy’s when they know they shouldn’t be. Why do you think they are giving scripts out like candy? Because Obama? They been doing this way before Obamacare.

I believe it is the Pharmas driving this particular plague, you don’t?

of course I do.......they pay the politicians to get more access to our Medicare money and both sides go along with it.

I mean it is a problem they created and now want to act like they are going to fix without ever really trying to do either (besides taking more pharma money to create more problems).

I mean I am talking shit on ACA.....but is that on Obama?

I mean Romney brags he created that idea in his book while gov of Massachusetts

It was Romney care.......that Hillary pitched the idea a decade earlier with with her own attempts.

What about Bush Jr. and his Medicare Part D expansion to help you pay for all these meds? This shit we can measurably see is designed and prescribed to kill you in this instance.

So I just condemned 2 aspiring Presidents and two former Presidents......each of the opposite party. This is political without being that kind of political.

How the Heroin Epidemic Differs in Communities of Color

The Opiates and the (Voting) Masses

this is about conditioning us......to get us to just die off slowly and perhaps more importantly quietly.

the more of an opiate addict you are the more open you are to the concept of death and dying........to letting 3rd worlders rape and ruin your country. to let oligarchs control and subjugate you for further rent extraction and usury.

this is a solution for them.......not a problem

I am not saying universal healthcare isn’t contributing, it is feeding taxpayer money into the pharmas for sure, but it isn’t the driving force, it’s the pharmas.


I have to ask you if any of our politicians would give a shit about this topic if it weren't by lobbying efforts from big Pharma

Do you think they work for us........or for them?

Who do you think has a bigger influence on policy here?

Which group do you think had a bigger input into that 2k page ACA bill.......or the Medicare Part D before it?

This doesn't even need to get political.......even though it is

Do you know how many people in the trades, sports or other physically demanding jobs leads to addiction? Someone with insurance has back pain is given Percocets, then they want more and more and before you know it they are junkies. I personally know several hardworking people in the trades this happened too. These were good taxpaying people. They would of been better served if the doctors let them deal with the pain naturally but taking it easy.

Absolutely.......but where is the money to be made in that?

I mean this isn't what our medical industry is built on.

It is built on pills and pushing products......not about helping people or their health

the more expensive and the more often you have to show up the better.

we are in complete agreement here.

the issue isn't what should be done about it but what will be done about it

that is the only distinction between our posts.

we both are in agreement with the rest
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I am very sorry for the loss of your friend and you missing him. As I get older I realize how valuable my friends are to me and how quickly some of us are dropping.

Yeah I've never gone for that stuff
I know myself well enough to stay far away from from opiates... looking forward to them when I go through death though.
There's only one safe drug as far as I know..
natural hallucinogens
p much no to that

pretty much a real deal

or you never met an actual addict

the only way it ends is in death and despair until they wish they died

and push it a little harder next time

only solution is for them to find something else to be temporarily addicted to

that hopefully kills them a little bit slower
I've been taking 2 Endone (oxycodone) every few hours the last couple of weeks. Got a pinched nerve in my neck and I'm all fucked up from it.

Finally it has released after a month, my arms are not just numb and in agony anymore. Going to step down to anti inflammatory and lower dose codeine.

Shit is bad tho, it's hard to stop taking for some people. Luckily I don't have that problem.
The big shame is all codeine has now gone prescription only in Australia. A few months ago you could buy it in any shop over the counter, now I gotta pay a Dr $90 to prescribe me the same shit.

sorry bout your friend but others should have been looking out for him
It’s no one else’s fault but the guy that died. It probably started with the doctors and a chronic pain but ultimately once it’s become a problem it’s his responsibility to deal with it. The only addiction treatment that works is going to meetings every couple of days and throwing out any and all friends that are using. It’s not about not using the drugs, it’s more like relearning how to walk and how to talk and how to live life all over again. A different environment, different people, different hobbies etc to fill your time so you don’t have any time left for your addiction to creep back into your life.

Most people that change from prescriptions to heroine are dead in 2 to 5 years. Maybe enough time to try treatment but it’s like a 80% relapse rate.

Once you start the road to recovery every stop is a money grab. You get sucked down in a vortex and every professional that helps you is just looking at you like a product. The cops get their share. The mandatory classes get their share. The lawyers get their share. The half way house gets their share. The treatment councilors get their share. Etc. the only person that doesn’t get help is the addict. Pretty much used up, spit out, and left to die. Alone, confused, disoriented etc. their family is exhausted, financially and emotionally, and the eventual death is actually a sweet release because there’s no more anxiety that you’re going to get a call in the middle of the night. It’s like the nightmare is over and everyone else can move on.

Really just have to hit the classes regularly. Accept that you have a problem and now have to live with this nagging addiction for the rest of your life. Just have to show up, look at the fresh users, compare yourself, remind yourself how far you came, and be totally selfish about that shit. Feel better and superior the more other people die and you persist. It’s a fucking war.

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US Overdose Deaths

2017: 72,306 (record high)
2016: 63,632
2015: 52,404
2014: 47,055
2013: 43,982
2012: 41,502
2011: 41,340
2010: 38,329
2009: 37,004
2008: 36,450
2007: 36,010


a problem some say

no.....a solution

called genocide democide and population dilution

and it is more profitable to our politicians than even the war on drugs or actual wars have been