Lost my best friend growing up to opiates today

that sucks dude

my brother has a similar situation going on with his best friend right now

opiates are easier to get than weed in his state

this is all fukt
How long was he on the stuff?

Was he getting into trouble or did this come out of nowhere?

Sorry for your troubles.
Sorry. Pharma companies have been intentionally flooding the market with this shit to get people hooked.
it is called free health care

and how dare you deny meds to sick people you twisted fuck

now back to thriller in the streets

Cmon man, free healthcare does not cause doctors to over prescribe pain killers. Pharma pushing doctors to prescribe is the root cause which has nothing at all to do with whether healthcare is free or not.

Not saying free healthcare is good or bad, just saying it’s not the cause of our current situation. Personally I’d ban opiates from being prescribed and let patients learn to deal with the pain or find a non addictive alternative. Opiates flat out do way more harm than good. A baby step toward it could be opiate doses can only be given in a hospital or drs office and not taken with a prescription at home.
I lost two last year.

One I hadn't seen in a little while and while he seemed like guy who enjoyed a drink or two he went off the rails.

I don't see why anyone would start on opiates. Drinks taste good. Opiates check you out on life.
Cmon man, free healthcare does not cause doctors to over prescribe pain killers. Pharma pushing doctors to prescribe is the root cause which has nothing at all to do with whether healthcare is free or not.

Not saying free healthcare is good or bad, just saying it’s not the cause of our current situation. Personally I’d ban opiates from being prescribed and let patients learn to deal with the pain or find a non addictive alternative. Opiates flat out do way more harm than good. A baby step toward it could be opiate doses can only be given in a hospital or drs office and not taken with a prescription at home.

your problem is that you are so above politics you don't actually understand or even pay attention to what is going on in the world around you anymore. you might as well walk through the world blind, deaf, and daft to a hell on earth we are being subjected to.

70K Opioid-Related Deaths Likely Went Unreported Due to Incomplete Death Certificates

this isn't an accident it is intentional....it is just worse than Vietnam was in American death count

my drunk dead beat neighbor went in for a caugh and came out with some oxy the other day

every dead beat pos who lost point or purpose in our lost country has a stack of these things in their pocket

why does a caugh needs oxy i don't know.......but i really do believe that they are just giving out pills to people who don't need them, who have other issues, other mental problems, other depression problems, other substance abuse issues, in hopes that they will "DO THE RIGHT THING" with them

and you aren't just assisting them with free healthcare but subsiding and paying for their euthinasia

this is just next level methadone clinic implementations

either way they are dying on the street. the politicians just hope this will speed the process up some.

burn out that deadwood faster than useless wars used to

nobody is in the kind of pain that we are prescribing all the opiate pills for

Nearly 60 percent of Americans — the highest ever — are taking prescription drugs

but you know the solution is more meds cheaper and faster for sure......but only if you wanted to kill more people imo

Why ‘Deaths of Despair’ May Be a Warning Sign for America - Moving Upstream

but you know, you know, why we got to make this political

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