Why is the far left in bed with Islam?

Why is the far left in bed with Islam?

  • They are misogynists who don't actually support women's rights (Weinstein democrats)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They are hypocrites

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The Magical Zoo

Veteran XV
What, pray tell, would cause a group that on paper supports women, freedom of speech, homosexual rights, etc. to ally itself with an extreme ideology of oppression with the facade of a religion and is responsible for centuries upon centuries of vile crimes against women, homosexuals, minorities and others throughout history?
Especially when you consider the hostility they display towards Christianity. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
lefties struggle w/ law of averages and stats and such

when confronted w/ the fact that their are 1.2 billion muslims worldwide and a conservative estimate of 20% of that 1.2 billion are radicalized

just a cool 200+ million people who think it is acceptable to saw your head off for not praising allah

but i had class w/ a muslim kid in college and my coworker is muslim too and we high five and we're friends on facebook

so it is ok
Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

The left is brainwashed. What gets me, is the gays support this crap, yet Muslims want them DEAD. Send a gay couple over to the middle east on vacation and see what happens if they kiss in public. Ok, so they're not going to fly over to the middle east. What about Pulse nightclub?
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Because Islam is primarily made up of brown people

They don't misunderstand Islam as a race as you say above

They just know the vast majority are not white. Therefore they must be oppressed by the evil patriarchal, racist, misogynist, anti-gay, anti-trans white man.

I need "ist" terms for anti-gay and anti- trans - help me out with that
lefties struggle w/ law of averages and stats and such

If you're talking about the hippies that run around in vans and tye-dyed t-shirts and play bongos, then yes.

If you're talking about me, or other educated types that understand math, statistics, and science, and vote left, then you're way wrong.

You're one of the only people in this place that I love like a brother, but I think you're wrong on this one. Sorry, not sorry.
The left want to see the destruction of western society and culture by any means possible.

The (((globalist elite))) are eager to help facilitate this because they think they'll be able to rule over the mix-mash low IQ populous that is the end result.
If you're talking about the hippies that run around in vans and tye-dyed t-shirts and play bongos, then yes.

If you're talking about me, or other educated types that understand math, statistics, and science, and vote left, then you're way wrong.

You're one of the only people in this place that I love like a brother, but I think you're wrong on this one. Sorry, not sorry.

u r assuming i am talkin about u bud

plz dont assume

it makes ass out of u and me LOL GET IT
The left need a group to do their fighting for them and what better group than a bunch of simple minded, easily manipulated, religious zealots to do your dirty work...
extreme left do dumb shit because they are dumb :ofn:

moderate sensible people don't like Islam but can't get down with simply writing off an entire group of people, because that's the kind of thing idiot extremists do
Yeah, I was going to bring up the IQ thing.

IQ Stats
Jewish American = 113
Asian America = 106
White American = 103
Mexican American = 90
Mixed American = 89 <- Mixing the races doesn't help.
Hispanic American = 89
Black American = 85 <- High School Level. Votes for the left.
Muslim = 84 <- School Level. Votes for the left.
Black African = 70