[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I kinda hate Stefan Molyneux, but I always read "not an argument" in his voice :mecry:

he is a long winded dude for sure

Frame Game Radio (❤️) on Twitter:


but I can't 100% disagree with him on this.....speaking of almost 3 years ago

the era of talking or arguing or even discussing is over

now it is about what side puts the boot on the others neck?

oh wellllllllll

just history repeating itself. even if we didn't bother to learn such lessons the first time around (or second or third)
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I kinda hate Stefan Molyneux, but I always read "not an argument" in his voice :mecry:

Same, I feel like Molyneux makes 3 minute videos in a condensed 48 minute format. Plus I'm like 85% sure his accent is bullshit, or grossly embellished.
Molyneux loves to hear himself talk

nothing else can explain it imo

It does feel like we have seen it all before. Lived it before. That none of this is new, interesting, or the least bit exciting. At this point only the noise levels and animosity keeps increasing......be it on TW or on all other social media.

There are so few good discussions left. Just clearly dishonest people screaming and demanding you listen. People who have gone from a position of asking to telling you what to do and how to think. I guess if you want a good discussion, where both parties try to communicate, express their ideologies, you will have to read one of those in the archives........assuming Google or Youtube or Twitter didn't take it down or shadow ban or censor that content yet.

Is there a breaking point. Or are we all just going to unplug and turn off.

U.S. cord cutters to reach 33 million this year, faster than expected

The only question left to answer or ask right now imo.
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there is no fucking way even your infant child could cry half as much as you do all day


gfg being king of the weekend hill today

I'm actually going outside....thank u for the assistance
the only ppl in the cable company worried about cord cutters r the millions and millions of boomers in the bloated management structure pulling $100k+ salaries even tho they usually don't have more than 2 underlings in their group and they don't understand the basics of how the technology works despite having been "cable dogs" since the early 1980s

all the call center, mapping and field techs will be enjoying ~NEW CONDUIT, NEW NEIGHBORHOODS, NEW INTERNET CUSTOMERS~ until sweet donnie t shuts the internet down (he's going to have to b/c turds like tw gaming news keep swirling around the toilet bowl, but it won't drain out)

ya, ur cable bill is just like ur tuition; overpriced thanks to baby boomers w/ business degrees camping out past retirement age in jobs that shouldn't have existed in the first place