[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread



Scotts aren't known for their intelligence. They will repeat as gospel anything told to them in a pub by a mate.

But what a welcome he's received in England, now Scotland. Next up: Finland. (Hint: he's despised there, too) :lol:

  • "Scots" only has one t. Scotts is a turf-builder.
  • Trump's mother was a Scot.
Nope - you are wrong. England and a lot of Europe still has a bone up it's butt because our men came over and waltzed off with their women. Shit goes deep.
ITT: vantard makes the point that foreigners who hate Orange Hitler feel the same as he does

what a surprise that is :rolleyes:
Jimmy is famous for wearing male dresses, drinking and getting in fights. Also the bagpipes. That's it. They are half retarded. In the friend line up - you want to have a Scotsmen with you. Sure. But they kinda hang in the back muttering until there is some action or someone needs to pay a bill.
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Now those 2 look like a couple of really sharp cookies. A little velcro and they can probably even get their shoes on with no help.

In other news:

As I've said, it's not just Europe. Trump has done well in Liberia and Israel (lol) but the rest of the world just wants the morbid part of his morbid obesity to kick in and for him to have his stroke already.




World's Approval of U.S. Leadership Drops to New Low