[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Gl Triple

Nancy Pelosi has no easy answer on impeaching Donald Trump

"Well, first of all, let me just say, our founders gave us our guidance. They said E Pluribus Unum, from many, one. They couldn't possibly have imagined how many we would be or how different we would be, but they knew that we had to be one. And I take it as a responsibility in choosing, just prioritizing as to what is unifying for our country.

"I have hesitated to use impeachment. People wanted me to impeach President (George W.) Bush for going into Iraq. And they impeached President (Bill) Clinton. We -- I -- there is an investigation. If it takes its course, let it take its course. But I do not think that impeachment is a policy agenda.
"What I'd rather talk about is, if people have an unease about government and the rest, is an agenda we put forth on Monday, which is our agenda to save our democracy, which is about reducing the role of money in politics, which changes the revolving door of lobbyists coming in and out of government, which has something that says to -- to people, if you think that your voice is not as heard as well as the voice of others, then we have to satisfy your concern and change the system.
"So let's focus on things like that, that I think are unifying for the American people. Impeachment is, to me, divisive. Again, if the facts are there, the facts are there, then this would have to be bipartisan to go forward. But if it is viewed as partisan, it will divide the country. And I just -- I just -- I just don't think that that's what we should do."

You mean they know they don't have shit and they realize the polls that say americans won't vote for dems who want to impeach?
That is going to leave a mark

Republicans hold a slim lead over Democrats in a generic ballot among registered voters, a new Reuters poll found, marking the first time the survey showed the GOP ahead in this election cycle.

The poll showed 38 percent of registered voters said they would vote for a Republican candidate if midterm elections were held today, compared to just under 37 percent who said they'd vote for a Democrat.


Why does the price of gas keep going up? What the fuck man. $2.89/gallon is too damn high!!
I know. Your hypocrisy is on display. We do not disagree on this point.
Wait... so, what you are saying is that because the old religious right was freaking out about Billary cheating on Shillary in the White House, that all right-leaning people 20 years later are also supposed be freaking out or, they are hypocrites?
DNC chief Tom Perez infuriates left with intervention in Cuomo race

WASHINGTON — Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez endorsed New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's re-election Thursday, angering some on the left who say the party leader is violating his own pledge to stay out of primaries.

Perez's highly unusual involvement caught even Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the DNC deputy chairman, by surprise.

Man.. we could probably run some moron... like :lol: Trump.. and he would win against these fools.