[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I'll say this once. That happened after my hospitalization in 2016 and was for painkillers, not alcohol. It happened the night I got out of the hospital, and still had hydromorphone metabolites in my blood (as I do now, lol). The assault thing was an argument, and I yelled some threats one of which was that I'd strangle her unless she stopped yelling at my dog. Lisa is not my wife, and it's funny that you and Havax e-knight for her until I let you know she looks at TW and thinks you're both trash. Since I said that, Havax has been calling her a cunt (from his computer chair).

In person, looking him directly in the eyes, he'd shove his hands in his pockets and look at his shoes. Physically, he and I are 2 standard deviations away from one another, and he knows that. He's brave when he goes to rallies or sitting posting on TW. Were Lisa and I ever in the same place and I invited him to repeat the insult to her face, he would intelligently shrink back to his Tundra without a word, drive home as fast as he could, and then flame us on TW.

p.s. I was in some decent clans, and some shitty ones, Mesmerize being the shittiest. GreenHornet, Angel, Bionic, Mongoose, me. We put up with you but no one liked you. I'm the only one that still comes here.

Will that put it to rest? Can you talk issues now?

HAHAHAHA listen to this tough guy

you don't know me, buddy. believe it or not, you're a pipsqueak to me. both mentally and physically.

and if you insisted, i'd call her a cunt to both your faces, and you wouldn't do a fucking thing, bitch.

now run along and threaten more women your size.
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HAHAHAHA listen to this tough guy

you don't know me, buddy. believe it or not, you're a pipsqueak to me. both mentally and physically.

and if you insisted, i'd call her a cunt to both your faces, and you wouldn't do a fucking thing, bitch.

now run along and threaten more women your size.

It's known that Havax is always mad. How mad?

  • responds with just text: mad
  • says "lol": irritated to the point of pounding fist on desk
  • uses emoji :rofl: : If had a dog, would be kicking the shit out of it
  • says "that's hilarious" paired with :lol: :Getting gasoline, ready to burn down the rest of the trailer park
  • Goes with "HAHAHAHA" in all-caps: Wishes he could destroy the known universe from another dimension.
it could be worse

he could have brought up video games he played with teenagers 18 years ago while being a raging alcoholic.
yeah that's what i thought

backing down like glare

Are you offering to meet Lisa and I? Tubby, I don't think you've had enough Doritos and cigarettes today. Have I made you mad enough to meet? I hope so, because she doesn't like you. I can't do much for the next couple of weeks, but maybe TW can start a gofundme for you, and we'll make this meeting happen.

edit: I doubt I'll need my right arm, so whenever, Cletus.
Are you offering to meet Lisa and I? Tubby, I don't think you've had enough Doritos and cigarettes today. Have I made you mad enough to meet? I hope so, because she doesn't like you. I can't do much for the next couple of weeks, but maybe TW can start a gofundme for you, and we'll make this meeting happen.

edit: I doubt I'll need my right arm, so whenever, Cletus.

omg she doesn't like me?

how will i sleep tonight?

hey guys, a moron liberal lady that likes to date drunken woman beaters doesn't like me. how will i ever cope?

btw vanster, let me get this straight. are you threatening to do bodily harm to me in a terroristic manner?

i don't think the york county court system will take too kindly to that type of behavior a second time. do you, buddy?
Are you offering to meet Lisa and I? Tubby, I don't think you've had enough Doritos and cigarettes today. Have I made you mad enough to meet? I hope so, because she doesn't like you. I can't do much for the next couple of weeks, but maybe TW can start a gofundme for you, and we'll make this meeting happen.

edit: I doubt I'll need my right arm, so whenever, Cletus.

I will certainly contribute.
I'm not travelling to Texas just to go hard on some nicotine-sucking effete.
Lisa would enjoy seeing him get his ass kicked and I'd be happy to do it for her, but this is a person that is brave in his computer chair only; proof can be found on this board.
you and lisa are the object. Us, me, etc. Are you offering to meet us or are you offering to meet Lisa and me are grammatically correct. We and Lisa and I are incorrect as those would be subjects. the more you knew