[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

we got detective kimble on the case, all we need to do is bust assange out and we'll have it wrapped up by summer

we gotta protect julian guys who's goin to london we're finally gonna find out who killed seth rich

any1 who like him can just setup hotspot nearby... ez

also wtf he doin in britain land of cucks
Pretty much. The entire bedrock to this country was built on judeo-christian influence, even though the founding fathers weren't really Christians, many of their influences were mostly Christian in one form or another.

The very first recorded laws with punishment against murder ever to exist are Babylonian in tablets called The Law Code of Hammurabi from 1780 B.C. Hammurabi was a 'god-fearing' prince, though the term 'god-fearing' doesnt quite mean the same thing, but the overall gist is that murder being 'bad' comes from (a) god. Those laws filtered down to the legal system we have today.
Ironically, pretty much every law in the Law Code of Hammurabi has the penalty of death.
wow juggs who would have thought murder would have been frowned upon until sky wizards deemed it bad for a community.

so juggs, expert on moral philosophy, does god command this particular action because murder is morally wrong, or is it morally wrong because god commands it?

the truth is, morality can be encouraged or endorsed by a religion but religion is not the source of morality, nor will the divine command theory ever be a legitimate argument.

then again who am I talking to? yes the uneducated morbidly obese loser that cant succeed in life.
Today, we honor Roseanne Barr. Not that I particularly liked her or Trump. But today was a good day to say FU to Hollywood. That's right asshats. NY and LA don't fucking matter. The new show set record numbers across the country while it came in outside the top 20 in these two cities. Can you see a connection motherfuckers? It's not even a "republican" or conservative show.

There is a melting pot out there. A group of people who are somewhere in the middle these days because of how badly the parties have fucked up. But, we actually get along even with our differences. And sometimes, the numbers are surprising. And, I suppose if you lived in a world where it was only your market/agenda that you cared about - a little unsettling. Yes indeed. So - fat Bitch, Orange Caeser and all you folks who pooled up to shatter the ideology of what people want - I salute you.

Also - Disney - WTF is wrong with you?
I thought the new Roseanne show was shit. the old one was shit too. fuck that shit.

Yeah - I didn't watch it. I also didn't watch the old one either - maybe a few episodes. Never been a big fan of shitty network TV. I also gave up my TV about 9 years ago now because of how crappy it was getting. Unbearable for me. It doesn't change the fact hat I love it when a bunch of smug, holier than though assholes get a giant "FUCK YOU" stuck right up their ass. The deal is - the historical deal - belief - the thing that drives these asshats is that they target the LA/CA - NY markets and think that it must do well there to be viable. Wake the fuck up. This is exactly what is confusing them about the elections.
Reclaim your future. Watch Roseanne. Tell white children to subscribe to PewDiePie.


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