Bitcoin Surge

Or everyone who thought it might be a decent investment has already learned that the whole thing is inherently worthless and horribly volatile. It wouldn't surprise me if it's all downhill from here, especially considering the general feeling of doom and gloom on a global scale. Gonna put your money into digital fairytales, or stash it into gold or cash under the mattress?

But your paper money is equally worthless. It only has value because everyone agrees on its value.

China and Korea are mucking things up right now. If those two countries would back off and allow their citizens access to the markets it would get silly real quick in cryptos
Following the advice in this thread. I have just maxed out all my credit cards and applied for more. Because if there is an EMP attack, I won't have to pay them back.

Thanks guys.
ppl worried about usd inflation -> today's crash

real facts from real headlines on real fake

u gotta buy these crypto bargains while they last

or u can build miners and help save the irl market w/ madd gpu sales

it's all about making money great again

and reviving the 1970s magazine ad writing style brought 2u by the semiliterate mouthbreathers who were responsible for teaching today's journalists how to write

new lines 4 every sentence

and fragments

and sentences starting with and
today's crash is related to small mouth bass who lost their shirts give crypto a week it's not like the petrodollar's going to ride the backs of the US of A over the back of syria and the congo..... don't listen to a dumbfuck though listen to cramer he know what to do

edit- today crash may also be related to quantitative easing how much have they quantified fuck i'm trying to get a new car
the first money moved the market although the market may deserve a little moving shake and bake ricky
damn i been buy alot of coins lately. All the coins are still higher then when i bought them.. LOL this is the best investment return ive had since college tuition HAHA..

ppl hating/raging soo hard. i cant wait for this shit to explode again so i can cash out half at 50000% again.
idk why anyone would buy on the way down

you're guaranteed to lose money unless you time it exactly right, which you won't

a few weeks ago I would have said 10k was the floor.. now 1k looks doable.
idk why anyone would buy on the way down

you're guaranteed to lose money unless you time it exactly right, which you won't

a few weeks ago I would have said 10k was the floor.. now 1k looks doable.

i dont buy $20 coins. i buy coins where the floor is pretty close. This is how i am not commiting suicide like all these idiots buying $100 coins and going broke on 1 month of shit running.

But i enjoy the panic. Maybe ill buy more 35 dollar litecoins before its all said and done.

i dont mind btc going to 1k either. Im not worried about the next year. I'm using my fuck off money on this anyways.
You guys are all safe until I start buying. Once I buy you'll have two days to pull out before it all comes crashing down hard. I'll let you know when I become that idiot.
seriously if you're still in crypto just fucking hold

it's not going anywhere this is all just temporary bullshit

it'll probably hit 100k next year or some insane number