[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

clu wasn't advocating for impeachment though, merely positing the idea that many R's wouldn't actually give a shit if Trump got kicked to the curb in favor of Pence.

You aren't triggered at all though, ok.
Not triggered at all, I'm genuinely asking because after an entire year (although technically impeachment cries started before he became President) and yet nobody can actually name an impeachable offense beyond "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"

The histrionics this year have been mind blowing.

Obstruction of justice is impeachable, even if the underlying action isn't

An agreement w/ Russia to sway the election via legal & non-legal means in return for easing sanctions/backing off syria/etc sounds impeachable
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Not triggered at all, I'm genuinely asking because after an entire year (although technically impeachment cries started before he became President) and yet nobody can actually name an impeachable offense beyond "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"

The histrionics this year have been mind blowing.

Keith Olbermann is so delusional and confident Lord Trump will be impeached he quit his failing internet show to prove it. Trump Derangement Syndrome has a pretty tight hold a year after him being elected...we see it on display at TeeDub everyday.

“I am confident now, even more so than I have been throughout the last year, that this nightmare presidency of Donald John Trump will end prematurely and end soon, and I am thus also confident that this it the correct moment to end this series of commentaries.”

Keith Olbermann announces media retirement, says his work is done because Trump will be impeached
This is all your fault left. All of it. You spent 8 years cramming shit in and Hillary confused cramming with acceptance. She thought the US had her back so much so everyone bowed to her.

Turns out people don't like your bullshit. So they allowed Trump in.

How is that for the biggest fuck you ever to the left?
clu wasn't advocating for impeachment though, merely positing the idea that many R's wouldn't actually give a shit if Trump got kicked to the curb in favor of Pence.

You aren't triggered at all though, ok.

what is getting kicked to the curb? That impeachment?

I get it.. it is stupid is my point. It was bullshit wrapped up in clu
clu is wrong tho

indeed, the never-trump swamp things would be happy if trump were replaced w/ pence

however, the base that carried trump to victory over Her Royal Cuntiness (aka we, the patriots of tribalwar gaming news dotcom) would reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeege for weeks and probably brandish our murder assault death kill automatic machine guns with a bump stock and a thing which tells time
lol i miss countdown w/ keith

dood's way funnier than trevor "STEENKAMP WAS JUST THE FIRST" noah

and he melts on tv, not in ur hands
clu wasn't advocating for impeachment though, merely positing the idea that many R's wouldn't actually give a shit if Trump got kicked to the curb in favor of Pence.

You aren't triggered at all though, ok.

Policy wise, no, it would largely not change. There might be a little more dignity and decorum from the office, but that is not the point. Impeaching a President merely on the grounds that they don't act the way you want them to is a dangerous slippery slope of politics. What it says to me is that people no longer care about elections or power grabs, so long as their particular ideology is winning. Anyone claiming "Well hey he won the election but Person B isn't really all that different so you won't mind if we just replace him right?" is venturing into dangerous territory.
Policy wise, no, it would largely not change. There might be a little more dignity and decorum from the office, but that is not the point. Impeaching a President merely on the grounds that they don't act the way you want them to is a dangerous slippery slope of politics. What it says to me is that people no longer care about elections or power grabs, so long as their particular ideology is winning. Anyone claiming "Well hey he won the election but Person B isn't really all that different so you won't mind if we just replace him right?" is venturing into dangerous territory.

Ideology goes way deeper than that. Unfortunately we have reduced ideology to do you want to pay for free shit or not?

Wake me up when we come back around to our senses
Fool is stereotype triggered 38 year old white middle class libertarian turned middle righter

It's so funny at this point

I never seen someone knight so hard while claiming to be neutral

Just mention impeachment or Russia and he writes a paragraph defense post lmao
At this point there's enough material in this thread alone to make a kotzbot. I'm not sure why he's typing anymore when copypasta would save him hours of time.
Do you reverse sjws need a safe space?

good morning boys

I see you guys are whining about kotz again

i guess there's no maga today -- what a surprise!
Obstruction of justice is impeachable, even if the underlying action isn't

An agreement w/ Russia to sway the election via legal & non-legal means in return for easing sanctions/backing off syria/etc sounds impeachable
MUH RUSSIA!!1 :rofl: