[hion] tranny gets murdered by georgia tech campus police, liberals/whites chimp out

It's not? You know military soldiers make even less, right? Or maybe you didn't know that...

What the fuck does that have to do with median police salary?

Soldiers have free health care, free food and free boarding available.

Take your dumbass ass comments and shove them right up your black ass
I tend to side with the police the majority of the time in these situations. If they thought the suspect was able to use deadly force (knife) then it made no sense for them to use non-deadly force (taser, baton). Doesn't seem like anything illegal happened, based on that video.

A couple things generally about these kind of events...most people on this board, myself included, have no idea how they would react in a situation like this. If you say you do, you're lying or deluding yourself. Unless you've dealt with violent people or the mentally ill regularly, your opinions are moot.

NPR did a recent story about autistic persons and the police. They are MUCH more likely to be confronted by police and arrested than your average person. They simply don't act normally, which is suspicious, and they don't know how to effectively communicate with the police. It was an interesting piece and something I had never really thought about. With our society's push toward inclusion, these interactions are only going to become more common.

Certainly our police are inadequately trained to deal with this, but that training is going to be expensive and possibly not all that effective.

Which is why parents of autistic children need to think long and hard. They need to except that as parents, of course they love their child. Then they need to except that as an autistic child, no one fucking cares about your retard.

When you die that retard is going to be abused as fuck because again, no one has the patients to deal with your retard. No parental bond so it should be expected. But no, they think everyone should love and have patients with their drooling shitbags


However, this was about a cop shooting a tranni faggot attending college who failed to comply. Fuck him
For whatever reason, you guys are leaving out that cops can retire at 50(ish) and get 90% of their last years pay, with continued raises and full coverage healthcare, FOR LIFE.
An OHP cadet fresh out of college, aged 24-25, can retire after they put in their 20 years. That much is true.

The rest of your statement is bullshit.
Which is why parents of autistic children need to think long and hard. They need to except that as parents, of course they love their child. Then they need to except that as an autistic child, no one fucking cares about your retard.

When you die that retard is going to be abused as fuck because again, no one has the patients to deal with your retard. No parental bond so it should be expected. But no, they think everyone should love and have patients with their drooling shitbags


However, this was about a cop shooting a tranni faggot attending college who failed to comply. Fuck him

ironic post coming from someone autistic
Which is why parents of autistic children need to think long and hard. They need to except that as parents, of course they love their child. Then they need to except that as an autistic child, no one fucking cares about your retard.

When you die that retard is going to be abused as fuck because again, no one has the patients to deal with your retard. No parental bond so it should be expected. But no, they think everyone should love and have patients with their drooling shitbags


However, this was about a cop shooting a tranni faggot attending college who failed to comply. Fuck him

My point was that people who have abnormal brains are more likely to encounter police and be the victims of violence. I'd argue that the GT kid had an abnormal brain at baseline and may have also been intoxicated. Its certainly sad. I'm not sure I'd say, "fuck him;" he was sick.

Regarding autistic kids, we have no idea what causes autism, so we have no way to screen for it in utero. Your statement that no one cares is patently false. Plenty of people care about autism and disabled children. I think what you meant is that it's not society's responsibility to care for someone's disabled child.
My point was that people who have abnormal brains are more likely to encounter police and be the victims of violence. I'd argue that the GT kid had an abnormal brain at baseline and may have also been intoxicated. Its certainly sad. I'm not sure I'd say, "fuck him;" he was sick.

Regarding autistic kids, we have no idea what causes autism, so we have no way to screen for it in utero. Your statement that no one cares is patently false. Plenty of people care about autism and disabled children. I think what you meant is that it's not society's responsibility to care for someone's disabled child.

I completely agree the tranny was sick. Absolutely he was sick. Obviously. Police do not have the training, the funds or a force that wants to be shrinks. They can't diagnose in the field off of a couple of minutes confrontation.

All they get out of those few moments is that there is an armed man acting like a crazy person. He is not following lawful commands. They can't just leave and go away... it is way to dangerous and illegal to handle the guy in a physical manner.

The cop could have walked up to the dude and took his pr24 and knocked that fucker out. Situation handled, suspect alive.

They would have fried the cop for assault. What's left? Shoot the fucker
no, i'm serious

i'm pretty sure you are autistic

hard to completely diagnose over the internet, but you exhibit many of the signs

I am done with you. I will still insult you every chance I get but you are way, way too stupid. Approaching arsin levels.
My understanding was that the suspect had a knife. I'd like to think that no cop is going to try and baton someone with a knife. That's stupid. Draw your sidearm. The fact that they tried for multiple minutes to get him to cooperate seems to indicate they wanted to deescalate. Sad but probably justified. We'll see what happens over the next few weeks. I don't think there's any way the police will be indicted.
Me either. They have taken away escalation of force. Any kind of physical force by the officer is going to be scrutinized beyond belief. IMO, the officer could have used mace or tazer as opener, then moved in and kicked his ass. Once the ass kicking is over, cuff him.

Problem is people want cops to be super human and completely control their emotions. They want the cop to be able to turn it on and off at command. That is too much to ask. In a fight, you fight till you feel you have complete control or until your anger subsides. Which one triggers you to stop is random.

Escalation of force nowadays is command, command, command, shoot. Nothing exists inbetween because the public has effectively taken all the rest away
An OHP cadet fresh out of college, aged 24-25, can retire after they put in their 20 years. That much is true.

The rest of your statement is bullshit.

Apparently, you have not heard of the pension tsunami that is going to wreck this nation. State employee pensions and health care? Promised liabilities? Cops, firefighters, prison guards etc... many can and do retire with 90% of their last years pay with an ungodly amount of overtime + unused sick days and vacation days that includes raises plus medical benefits until they die, especially here in California.

Now, it may not be all cops that do collect 90% of their last years pay but, there are many that do. A few years ago, public employees were getting beat up over this information and the unions got to the media's ear, the topic vanished but the problem still exists.

Here is a list California Cops pay and/or retirement.. And people wonder why the States are going broke?

Police Salaries and Pensions Push California City to Brink

In California, Many Police and Firefighters Get $100,000 Pensions

Chicago Police Pensions Worth Three Times Social Security Pensions With Less Time Worked

I can do this all day but, i would hope that you get the picture.
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im 100% ok with this shooting; completely justified and the planet is rid of that worthless waste
they could have tased him
they really felt super threatened by some nerd with a multi tool?

Tazer's fail all the time depending on who's source you pull

New Zealand 66% success rate out of 102 uses
The 36 failures were due to "operator error" with the two probes either missing the offender or failing to lodge in their skin, police said.
Police 'not surprised' by Taser failures - NZ Herald

LAPD 53% success rate out 1,100
LAPD officers fired Tasers just over 1,100 times last year, according to a department report published last month. The devices had the desired outcome — causing someone to submit to arrest — only 53 percent of the time.
Tasers often don’t work, review of LAPD incidents finds

I can see why cops go for old-reliable instead of rolling the dice or in LA's case flipping the coin
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Escalation of force nowadays is command, command, command, shoot. Nothing exists inbetween because the public has effectively taken all the rest away

Say they try to tackle the guy and he gets stabbed by his own knife? Guess what? Lawsuit against that officer for sure.
this is not really that bad, so many worse situations.

however i really do believe that police training needs to step wayyy the fuck up. Situations like this dont really require guns. Even if they did, could easily just shoot in the legs or foot or anywhere non deadly. I understand the 'heat of the moment' argument, but with better training, i believe that officers will have ability to handle situations with less emotions and more logic.

Train USA officers like they do in Russia and i bet BLM would never have been born.
Now, it may not be all cops that do collect 90% of their last years pay but, there are many that do. A few years ago, public employees were getting beat up over this information and the unions got to the media's ear, the topic vanished but the problem still exists.

One of my friend's dad was a campus cop at OSU. For his last year before retirement(in his 50's btw) he worked max hours and maximum allowable overtime and brought in well over 100k, which his pension was based on. Not sure if the scam is still going on, but the university cops figured out how to shift their hours around to get shitloads of OT pay.

2 OSU police officers OT pay tops salaries - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH
OSU police earned over $1M in overtime

Two Ohio State University police officers worked so many extra shifts in 2010 that their overtime pay was thousands more than their base salaries, pushing their total compensation to more than $165,000 each, according to the Dayton Daily News.

The newspaper’s review of university payroll records found that overtime shifts are so plentiful at the OSU police department that 16 officers earned more than $100,000 last year and five made more than Police Chief Paul S. Denton. The two top officers, Richard A. Green and Thomas A. Schneider, each took in more than $84,000 in overtime last year.