Hurricane Harvey

So am I hearing correctly that it's expected to swing back around on Houston and dump another 30" of rain?

Where is your God now?

Televangelist Joel Osteen cancelled services at his Houston megachurch Sunday and has yet to reopen its doors — despite the fact that thousands of flooded-out residents are desperately seeking shelter.

The perpetually smiling pastor told followers on Twitter on Monday to lean on their faith.

“Jesus promises us peace that passes understanding,” he wrote. “That’s peace when it doesn’t make sense.”

But Osteen’s comforting words didn’t sit well with critics, who want to know why the doors to his 16,800-seat arena at his Lakewood Church near downtown Houston are closed.
Joel Osteen shuts megachurch amid flooding crisis | New York Post

Let me ask you this question:
What is rain anyway?
Is it the sweet nectar your crops crave?
Is it tears of joy?
Or is it the rain that falls on every life?
The dressing down from your boss?
The bank pounding on the door?
When you say to me,
"Jonas, when's it gonna rain?"
All I can say is...
"When's it gonna stop?"
I'd bolt the doors shut too if I owned that sweet church

Imagine all the smelly scum hordes packing in there ruining Gods boardroom

Where is your God now?

Joel Osteen shuts megachurch amid flooding crisis | New York Post

Let me ask you this question:
What is rain anyway?
Is it the sweet nectar your crops crave?
Is it tears of joy?
Or is it the rain that falls on every life?
The dressing down from your boss?
The bank pounding on the door?
When you say to me,
"Jonas, when's it gonna rain?"
All I can say is...
"When's it gonna stop?"

Osteen's god is money. He is scum.
the love of money is the root of all evil.
Prosperity gospel replace The Lord with the dollar and embraces greed.

Osteen just got Noah'd

There are no sharks swimming in the streets of Houston or anywhere else | PolitiFact

Where is your God now?

Joel Osteen shuts megachurch amid flooding crisis | New York Post

Let me ask you this question:
What is rain anyway?
Is it the sweet nectar your crops crave?
Is it tears of joy?
Or is it the rain that falls on every life?
The dressing down from your boss?
The bank pounding on the door?
When you say to me,
"Jonas, when's it gonna rain?"
All I can say is...
"When's it gonna stop?"

Lets you and me stop fighting for a second.

I've heard that Osteen is getting one of his churches ready to house evacuees. This is way early and only on social media, but if it's true. . don't want to flame him.


If that's real, then we need to support this. I'm not on a lifeline to the Osteen ministries or whatver, but I'm sure others are.
fool why is air mattresses a link in your post and it tries to take me to some price grabber website. wtf is this tw

edit: happens to me only in the in-game steam browser
u fags said i had bonzi buddy when i pointed out the evil skimwords and now u have revealed urselves as jerks who don't have tw on ur whitelists and now u will b subject 2 the wrath of rayn