[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

16 years in Afghanistan, and we've never been able to project power outside of Kabul, even when we had over 100,000 troops in theatre... sigh... more taxpayer dollars down the drain
It's imperative that opium production levels don't drop, a lot of it is shipped into Iran and Russia.

If Pakistan won't start killing terrorists then the war is going to expand into their country. India will need to get on board and help turn Pakistan into a glass parking lot.
NPR not saying a word about how we are not nation-building anymore and we are now fighting for our own self-interest...

Get real, we're nation building.

Bannon went to war with McMasters over this and was forced out by the globalists.
Low energy donald is cucking for the globalists. Guys I'm starting to have doubts about this maga stuff. Jomo and havax we need your cheer leading routine!