Rick and Morty season 3

Summer episode. :ugh:

ep 1 was pretty okay
ep 2 sucked horribly, and not even bc it was a summer ep

i have a feeling its dead now and gonna b cancelled after season 4

we will look back fondly on seasons 1 and 2
neckbeards will intensely debate whether or not season 3 was any good
and season 4 will be universally despised as its quietly cancelled
We like season 3 over here at my place and no one cared that it was a "Summer Episode". The show is getting more biting and is taking a deeper look at some pretty big topics. So - if all you want is fart jokes - move along. This show has depth and is pretty good sci-fi. For instance - the way they are addressing abandonment is pretty clever.
i think the only people that don't like this show are the ones watching it purely for comedy

feel like they want a disjointed narrative of just gag after gag i.e. simpsons or family guy

rick n morty is def closer to bojack then any other animated comedy, where in every scene the characters and their development is the mechanism that moves the show forward. s03e02 continually brought up the divorce and heavily contrasted summer/morty with mom and pop