[Netflix] The Defenders

We're trying to catch up before we jump in. We've done the first season of daredevil, a bunch of iron fist, and then some jessica jones. We haven't gotten to Luke Cage yet but we did see him banging jessica
Soros owns netflix now.

You are supporting white genocide.

why teh fk is it always 4... its as if these hero movies/show are boy bands or something.
is it just me or is there WAY too much TV now. Like I used to have maybe 1 or 2 shows I'd watch a year. Now I wouldn't even know where to start. Not to mention I have everything on fucking demand, streaming shit coming out of my ass, and a wife/daughter that ensure I can never watch anything I want.
Yes, there is too much tv. I don't know how people watch shows that have seasons of like 20 episodes. 10-12 a season is way better
watched daredevil - liked
watched jessica jones - liked
watching luke cage - liking so far (2 ep in)
havent watched iron fist - who knows

wife likes the others so this one seems g2g
is it just me or is there WAY too much TV now. Like I used to have maybe 1 or 2 shows I'd watch a year. Now I wouldn't even know where to start. Not to mention I have everything on fucking demand, streaming shit coming out of my ass, and a wife/daughter that ensure I can never watch anything I want.

I totally agree. We (yes when I say we I mean my wife) hear about all these shows that we're supposed to watch because they are great but goddamn it is like a full time job. I'd like to watch baseball sometimes.
Yeah my wife and I have no kids and watch a lot of the same shows and we still have a huge backlog. I've seen none of these shows except for Daredevil. There is a lot of good TV out there.