[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

yes i'm holding bush responsible - you don't need to wait for a state to ask for help before offering it


Bush Fiddles (with a Guitar) While New Orleans Floods | Pensito Review

why are you posting photos of school buses? NOLA planned to use city buses. when highway traffic prevented quick escape, residents were directed the superdome. good fucking grief you dumbfucks are the stickiest saps in this hemisphere

How New Orleans' Evacuation Plan Fell Apart : NPR

Holy fuckin' :rofl:

You really are cluless. I especially like you defending democrat incompetence and holding only one leader accountable and not other 'leaders'.


This will be jomo after his welfare gets cut and he has to get a job (except jomo is morbidly obese)


I'm starting to love trump more and more every day cut all welfare healthcare and disability payments for these fat losers #maga

This will be jomo after his welfare gets cut and he has to get a job (except jomo is morbidly obese)


I'm starting to love trump more and more every day cut all welfare healthcare and disability payments for these fat losers #maga

ya i would agree w/ that dood that going 2 the surplus store 4 some used bdus (or w/e the homosexually islamic terrorist new acronym is) and buying an "unofficial" maga hat and spending free time making a homeless man cardboard sign so that u can lie 2 ppl and tell them ur a 28 year old vet of the bombing of fort sumter and u regret voting for trump is making a YUGE missed egg
In God we trust


I bet 100 dollars that people are calling this racist. What they fail to notice is the black dude is carrying a stick thing in his right hand and by default that says I can't shake hands and Trump recognized that immediately.

It also appears and I'm guessing but it looks like that black dude changed the stick to his right hand just prior to reaching Trump
First thing I thought was the black guy changed hands so that he could give Trump the cold shoulder. In fact I guarantee that's what he's doing. He doesn't even look and give him a nod which is what you'd do if you had any respect at all and your hands were currently tied up. So it could very well be racist, just in the opposite direction.

This will be jomo after his welfare gets cut and he has to get a job (except jomo is morbidly obese)


I'm starting to love trump more and more every day cut all welfare healthcare and disability payments for these fat losers #maga

I'm pretty sure that's a knockoff MAGA hat. All the ones I've seen do not have those gold wings on the bill nor the detailing on the side.
First thing I thought was the black guy changed hands so that he could give Trump the cold shoulder. In fact I guarantee that's what he's doing. He doesn't even look and give him a nod which is what you'd do if you had any respect at all and your hands were currently tied up. So it could very well be racist, just in the opposite direction.

That's because you're not a leftwing douchebag. The left is blind