[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

The highlights (these are :rofl:):

  • On how things are going
"This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine."

  • On leaks, news
"The leaks are real, the news is fake."

  • On picking his next question
"I want to find a friendly reporter."

  • On false claims about his Electoral College win's spot in history
"I was given that information, I don't know."

  • On his own speech
"I'm not ranting and raving, I'm just telling you you're dishonest people."

  • On Obamacare
"Obamacare, they fill up our alleys with people you wonder how they got there."

  • On reports about Russia contacts
"You can talk all you want about Russia -- which was all a fabricated fake news ... It is all fake news. It is all fake news."

  • On Flynn
"I don't think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right."

  • On why Flynn was fired
"The thing is he didn't tell our Vice President properly and then he said he didn't remember... that just wasn't acceptable to me."

  • On an alternative career
"I'd be a pretty good reporter."

  • On dealing with Russia
"The greatest thing I could do is shoot that ship that's 30 miles offshore right out of the water. Everyone will say, "Oh, it's so great, it's so great. That's not great."

  • On nuclear holocaust and Russia
"Nuclear holocaust would be like no other. They are a very powerful nuclear country and so are we. But if we have a good relationship with Russia, believe me, that is as good thing, not a bad thing."

  • On the travel ban
"We had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban, we had a bad court."

  • On violence in Chicago
"There are two Chicagos, as you know. One Chicago that is incredible, luxurious and safe. There is another Chicago that is worse than almost any of the places in the Middle East that we talk about and that you talk about on the news."

We haven't even finished the 4th week of this yet.
I do whine because I want to win, and I'm not happy about not winning, and I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win
lol vanster still doesn't realize that the politicians are in the back seat now.

Why is the media so scared of Russia? I thought the cold war was over? Didn't we already hit the reset button?

Someone tell me one thing Clinton actually did right as SoS. Go.
Vanster's Messiah was such an eloquent speaker. He would never occasionally mince words in a 30-minute speech followed by a 60-minute Q&A like Trump does.

you mean like that mother jones article?? or the intercept?

Greenwald is not a progressive outside of a few social issues like healthcare. He has written several scathing attacks on the progressive movement in regards to their hypocrisy on civil rights issues and their increasing partisanship.

Repulsive progressive hypocrisy - Glenn Greenwald
Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies - Salon.com
Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Yelling "racist" as an "argument" in the immigration debate

His 'progressive' view on illegal immigration:

Current illegal immigration – whereby unmanageably endless hordes of people pour over the border in numbers far too large to assimilate, and who consequently have no need, motivation or ability to assimilate – renders impossible the preservation of any national identity. That is so for reasons having nothing whatever to do with the skin color or origin of the immigrants and everything to do with the fact that what we end up with are segregated groups of people with allegiences to their enclaves, an inability to communicate, cultural perspectives incompatible with prevailing American culture, and absolutely nothing to bind them in any way to what we know as the United States.