[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Here's my take:

Owebama is a narcissistic, divisive, petulant cunt. He fully understands that his entire 'legacy' is about to be dismantled by someone who isn't part of the Establishment... everything from the Iran deal, to TPP, to Owebamacre. He brought this on himself.

As demonstrated by his actions, he refuses to accept the responsibility for his Party's loss of Congress since 2010 and the lowest amount of States and their chambers from then on. So what's his solution? By acting through executive fiat instead of working with Congress. All this has done is infuriate the electorate and the results prove it. He acted like he still had a mandate, snubbing the will of the voters.

It's very amusing to watch this shitty president whine about 'russian hacking' despite leaked emails showing his party rigging the primaries. lol wat? *Who* has proven to interfere with elections?

Bonus: simpleton lapdogs and media nut swingers buy into it without a second thought.

What a surprise.


from his recent trevor noah interview at comedy central

"aka comedy show pretending to be news"

aka "fake news"

“The real question that I think we all have to reflect on is what’s happened to our political system where some emails that were hacked and released ended up being the overwhelming story and the constant source of coverage, breathless coverage, that was depicted as somehow damning in all sorts of ways — when the truth of the matter was it was fairly routine stuff.”


it was all just normal stuff. normal illegal dissemination of classified emails over unsecured networks, quid pro quo, illegal interactions between media and HRC campaign, HRC campaign and her Super PAC, exposed illegal usage of the CF and donors, some soul cooking and possible pedo pizzagate all washed into one

Doug Band Accuses Chelsea Of Using Clinton Foundation Money To Pay For Her Wedding | Zero Hedge

i mean this alone should have put them all in jail......irs tax evasion and illegal usage of charitable funds have sent people smarter than them to federal prison before.

but you know.....it is all a bunch of okey dokey

Obama rips ‘obsession’ over what was in hacked emails — and not who did the hacking

we should be more concerned with the messenger than what the messenger exposed. coming from the man who will go to any length to extend his national spying program while crying about people like snowden and assange at any cost.

cry some more about patriot act as he robosigns the next extension and adds on NDAA provisions

this guy is the biggest bag of shit to possibly ever serve as president. and by far the biggest traitor bitching about treason.
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it just furthers their message that liberals don't really care about crime. criminal acts. they merely care about controlling the narrative and the tools used in these events. they care about constructing the narrative, the lexicon, in hopes of one day controlling the outcome. to achieve their end game result at any cost.

from guns to censorship

from defining terrorism while letting pedos and muslim 3rd world rapists flood the streets

Owebama loses 2 million security clearances to the Chinese a year ago and doesn't blink an eye.

Russia gets some DNC emails handed to them and it is the end of the world.

So what about Clinton ties to Russia and the uranium deal?

Since that is the standard the DNC is going to use and all.

To wit:

Log In - New York Times

If it wasnt for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Bragged About Being Invited to Putin’s ‘Inner Sanctum’


putin is a fuckin al capone mobster that threatens billionaires with family murder if they dont do the deal his way

its on video

fuck gg
What's the chances Trump takes credit?

"CBS Sports says Saturday's 117th Army-Navy Classic averaged 7.9 million viewers, the most-watched Army-Navy game in 24 years"
What's the chances Trump takes credit?

"CBS Sports says Saturday's 117th Army-Navy Classic averaged 7.9 million viewers, the most-watched Army-Navy game in 24 years"

He deserves the credit. He has a trail of record smashing viewer numbers, no question.
it just furthers their message that liberals don't really care about crime. criminal acts. they merely care about controlling the narrative and the tools used in these events. they care about constructing the narrative, the lexicon, in hopes of one day controlling the outcome. to achieve their end game result at any cost.

from guns to censorship

from defining terrorism while letting pedos and muslim 3rd world rapists flood the streets

Owebama loses 2 million security clearances to the Chinese a year ago and doesn't blink an eye.

Russia gets some DNC emails handed to them and it is the end of the world.

It baffles me why alleged democrats overlook or blatantly ignore what their leadership does vs what they say or accept the bullshit they are fed and ask for more.

Just how fucking stupid can you be?
It baffles me why alleged democrats overlook or blatantly ignore what their leadership does vs what they say or accept the bullshit they are fed and ask for more.

Just how fucking stupid can you be?

pretty fucking stupid. for example, icfire and wiglaf
"The Dukes", seriously?

The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S.

Seems like the DNC was retarded and they even blame Obama for not doing anything.....

*The D.N.C.’s fumbling encounter with the F.B.I. meant the best chance to halt the Russian intrusion was lost. The failure to grasp the scope of the attacks undercut efforts to minimize their impact. And the White House’s reluctance to respond forcefully meant the Russians have not paid a heavy price for their actions, a decision that could prove critical in deterring future cyberattacks.
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*The D.N.C.’s fumbling encounter with the F.B.I. meant the best chance to halt the Russian intrusion was lost. The failure to grasp the scope of the attacks undercut efforts to minimize their impact. And the White House’s reluctance to respond forcefully meant the Russians have not paid a heavy price for their actions, a decision that could prove critical in deterring future cyberattacks."
The last line reminds me of Jimmy Carter in terms of the media trying to be doom and gloom. There were hostages held in Iran. The very second Ronald Reagan was sworn into office, they were released. The same thing will happen with Russia hacking the USA. The second Trump takes over, everything will change.
I'm sure most of you have determined this is all about de-legitimizing trumpster as pres, whether it's the recounts or 'russian hackers' backed by Moscow or 'fake news'. Those are the three major narratives in play but will change soon enough.

While the US doesnt have clear guidance for considering a cyber attack as an act of war, there is a Bill for it.

H.R.5220 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Cyber Act of War Act of 2016 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Why didnt the president ask congress to push this through 6 months ago?