Colosus leaving Red5

wow it is pretty depressing how broken up those people think or act like they are

i'll never in my life forget the man who helped me login to a forum about a video game that never got finished

That quotes makes me feel uncomfortable. Where do these people come from?
Sorry to hear and glad Col got a chance to wear so many hats. Great way to get your foot in the door for the games industry.

Hopefully he will find another opportunity soon at another great studio.

Best of luck!
Colosus actually got me my first "real" job that lead to getting me in the position I am today. Hope he ends up somewhere better, seems like Red5 was pretty lousy for the past few years.
5 pages over there, all nice comments. His resume sure looks impressive on paper. He does need to enter a weight loss contest at his next job. That's what I'm doing right now. If he comes back, let's do a TW ski trip to South Lake Tahoe next year.
Colosus actually got me my first "real" job that lead to getting me in the position I am today. Hope he ends up somewhere better, seems like Red5 was pretty lousy for the past few years.

Red 5 only existed to milk as much money from investors as possible before they eventually released a game and closed up shop. They had a kickass marketing team though.

He was working there for a pretty long time

I too am surprised he didn't get fired years ago
He went from community manager to producer, that's a good move
was it?

another way to look at it was that their studio and game was in such a death spiral that the only person they could afford to hire was their forum moderator.

I have an old canoe with a hole in it at my cottage would you like to be ship captain?
Wow, that is an extravagant bus. Those things cost a ton to maintain along with the fuel.

Whether Colossus actually knows how to do all those things on his resume? That's the question. He can basically put anything on there right now and at least get an interview somewhere else. 10 acronyms? Check.