anyone else think bush vs. clinton in 2016 would suck for america?


Veteran X
i mean people are already very apathetic towards politics. democrats obviously hated bush rule from 2000-08, then got very excited about obama but he's been a huge letdown cuz he tried to cater too much to republicans. and of course republicans have been pissed since obama came in cuz he's black and democrat. so basically everyone is disillusioned with politics at this point

so i think the last thing america needs is a hilary clinton vs. jeb bush election. yes it might make for big headlines but i think the perception of the general ameerican public being dumb is unfair; i think america in general is a very educated populace and most will not really want political dynasties going at it.

i could see an election like that turning a lot of people away from politics for a long time. which would be unfortunate because i think being politically aware and involved is vital for any society.
i personally like warren from democrats and i think republicans should go with a strong tea party type candidate because thats their most passionate base right now. someone like ted cruz or rubio. a spanish name like that will naturally attract a lot of minorities for them too something they definitely need
Yea if that happens it's basically both parties telling America to fuck off.
I personally think Warren is going to stir some shit next election cycle by bucking the trend of deferring to established candidates like Hillary (especially because they're both women). It's going to piss off a lot of the left's bigwigs, but as a left-leaning moderate myself, I don't think I could vote Hillary without vomiting in my mouth a little bit.

I hope Bernie Sanders runs as well. Both Sanders and Warren are clearly in the corner of the middle class, and they have ways of speaking in a manner that resonates with their base. Warren/Sanders dream ticket '16.
Hillary creeps me out






I personally think Warren is going to stir some shit next election cycle by bucking the trend of deferring to established candidates like Hillary (especially because they're both women). It's going to piss off a lot of the left's bigwigs, but as a left-leaning moderate myself, I don't think I could vote Hillary without vomiting in my mouth a little bit.

I hope Bernie Sanders runs as well. Both Sanders and Warren are clearly in the corner of the middle class, and they have ways of speaking in a manner that resonates with their base. Warren/Sanders dream ticket '16.

lol... Prepare to be disappointed if that's the ticket......

Also Bush, Clinton would suck, but it's who the establishment is going to push because they literally can't lose if either of those people win.
If so, could potentially be 1988-2024 ruled by Bush/Clintons and one Obama.

country is fucked
This country deserves a monarchy.

These mother fuckers are too stupid to read about or learn anything on their own.

OMG...I hurd of Bush....huk yuk...and Clinton. Gee wonder who I will pick between.


The sad part is that we already know that this is coming and that somehow, in some way, people are going to actually argue over which bloated, unskilled, manipulative, technocrat we should vote for to further fuck us. Only one thing is truly for certain here and that is no matter who wins the election America loses (again).

We make jokes about how dumb the average person is...and that is absolutely true....but according to this article we aren't any better off being allegedly "well informed" either. Not when the overwhelming majority of people have their minds set, suffer from cogz-nitive dissonance, about what team, what tribe, what party, they think they are a member of. So long as people tie their dumb political affiliation to their identity, their espoused individuality, who they think they are, who they want to be, it will remain as intolerable as any other cultist following out there.

There are zero choices here...most minds are already made up. Both with the people and with the status-quo establishment (an entirely different monster).

How politics makes us stupid - Vox

good article...despite the authors constant global warming interjection.
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i'd love to see rhand rubio vs elizabeth sanders. both of those, in my opinion, would be the most genuine combinations from both parties.
my guess is it will be

jeb bush/chris christy


hillary clinton/al sharpton

then this county can finally :ctrlk:

ffs they are still pushing for romney on fox news

fuk u people...fuk u all
if christy gets and sort of nomination i'll kill myself. romney's campaign had him as their first pick for VP until their attention was brought to potential corruption and scandal within his ranks. he's fat as fuck and stupid, and has so many skeletons in his closet he couldn't even make the cut for VP much less president. hes unelectable.

as for al charlatan... lol that would also be a hilarious abortion of a campaign
im not even in your country but im already cringing at the thought of hilary running and winning...which is very likely
christy could physically eat jerry jones and still wouldn't have as many old skeletons as hillary tho


which is apparently exactly what they are prepping him for. we call this un-electability, politics sees this as experience. :lol: they are gonna get him in good for some of that fuk u oil money. the kind that fueled and rocketed a cheerleading coke head like bush jr. into office.

hillary has the banks. but we all know that good whores, like these two, will pander towards both

we no longer have elections...we have auctions. i just wish they had to handle this like nascar does


so everyone knows who we are dealing with.
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