OK gun mentalists........

Oklahoma city ring a bell?... fuck you are dumb. in reality guns are a horrible way to do mass murder. with google these days especially.


do you see how complicated that shit is? he had to plan, steal/buy materials, design and construct the bomb. While I realize a lone gunman could never do the same amount of damage as this bomb did, there is a significant barrier to creating a bomb as compared to simply buying a gun.
Do you know how easy it is to make small anti-personel explosives?

The kind that wound severely...

Shit... 30$ and a trip to Home Depot and you can ruin a lot of people's lives.

do you see how complicated that shit is? he had to plan, steal/buy materials, design and construct the bomb. While I realize a lone gunman could never do the same amount of damage as this bomb did, there is a significant barrier to creating a bomb as compared to simply buying a gun.

yeah, it is super complicated.

so difficult that every child that has ever played with a piccolo pete can figure it out within seconds around the 4th of July.

making a campfire is far more troublesome. every boy scout knows how to do that too.
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even if it wasn't possible without his access to guns I dont care, life is dangerous and no one gets out alive, it's my biological imperative to be able to defend myself from my environment, eat dick
While I'm sure Mitch is just trolling here, I wonder how infinitesimal the percentage of gun violence is given how many guns are in the USA. Knowing gun violence has been dropping for years now.


I'm sure that's very comforting to those thousands of victims :rolleyes:
even if it wasn't possible without his access to guns I dont care, life is dangerous and no one gets out alive, it's my biological imperative to be able to defend myself from my environment, eat dick

So you're going to put your selfish desire to defend yourself and your family ahead of the safety of everyone else? Hasen't it been proven that owning a gun results in accidental shootings more often than they are used to shoot criminals? Also, isn't a criminal more likely to shoot you, if you have a gun too? Wouldn't you be better off cowering on the floor crying like a little bitch, pleading for your life, rather than trying to defend yourself? We live in a civilized society, and can rely on police who've been highly trained to use firearms in a safe and responsible way. We also have a 911 emergency system to call for police help in the unlikely event of actually being confronted by a criminal.
Some people refuse to accept the fact that many people own way more guns than they could possibly use to defend themselves or their family, and those excess guns wind up in the hands of the bad guys those guns were bought to defend themselves against.

Then there are retards like Captain Tele that think admitting this means you support disarming law abiding citizens.
Some people refuse to accept the fact that many people own way more guns than they could possibly use to defend themselves or their family, and those excess guns wind up in the hands of the bad guys those guns were bought to defend themselves against.

Then there are retards like Captain Tele that think admitting this means you support disarming law abiding citizens.

So, what, limit the number of firearms a person can own? Sorry, but you can't do that in Murica without overhauling the whole system and introducing licencing and registries.

If you'd like to know where THOSE steps lead, just ask me.. I'm Canadian.
So, what, limit the number of firearms a person can own? Sorry, but you can't do that in Murica without overhauling the whole system and introducing licencing and registries.
Limiting the number of firearms a person can own isn't infringing on their right to bear arms.

We have laws about the number of people you can marry, but not how many guns you can own. The difference is there isn't a huge lobby supported by a multibillion-dollar industry claiming it's your constitutional right to 30 wives.
Limiting the number of firearms a person can own isn't infringing on their right to bear arms.

We have laws about the number of people you can marry, but not how many guns you can own. The difference is there isn't a huge lobby supported by a multibillion-dollar industry claiming it's your constitutional right to 30 wives.

The idea would only be possible through federal licensing and registration. Good luck registering the 300+ million guns already out there.

In addition to just being a stupid fucking idea, it's also impossible to implement.