HBO - True Detective

i think true detective's most glaring weakness actually is the characters. (whereas characters are by far gameofthrone's greatest strength)

the only stand out character to me is rust. the rest are just cardboard cuttouts that fit the police docu-drama (even tho woody is so good his char stands out). i think this writer put it better than i could -

i think in this latest episode rust's monologue pretty much confirms that the entire series is a meta fiction, which makes the series possibly brilliant and/or pretentious.

i don't want to type out everything i'm thinking, because that would take all day, plus i am not resolved. but here is this: rust's monologue about consciousness and being reborn into the same life over and over again demonstrates the self awareness of the show. all of the references to the yellow king are basically adding to rust's observation that his life is part of a story, being observed by others in eternity, while he cycles around and around again. the reason he can get people to confess so easily is because he perceives the narrative of their lives, and he is aware of their fundamental need to complete their own stories.

so the presence of these archetypes, plus all of these clues about the yellow king (which is a meta fiction itself) demonstrates the author's intent to tell a story that is aware that it's a story.

what i am looking forward to is to see if he follows the story to an inevitable conclusion (with all of its traditionally possible twists and turns) or if he turns it on its ear and fucks with everyone, like we find out this is not actually a detective story, but a cthulhu story, or a science fiction story. i have no idea. i love television that can surprise me. i'm still digesting the last episode.

Log roller is reading way to deep with daughter that's just a dumb theory I see online that grandpa raped kids and is the killer
So in episode five—not to spoil anything—Cohle gives one of his metaphysical addresses. And you can see it as Job crying out to an uncaring God—or you could see it as a character trapped in a TV show yelling at the audience.
-Nic Pizzolatto
Well shit..

I am one episode behind....but I thought episode 4 was great-especially after reading that the whole 'ghetto' scene was done with one take...