Next Generation Xbox - May 21st

i'm blown away by people who are failing to see the power of having a supercharged kinect with every xbox. think beyond silly kids games. this has the ability to greatly enhance most every game out there.
i'm blown away by people who are failing to see the power of having a supercharged kinect with every xbox. think beyond silly kids games. this has the ability to greatly enhance most every game out there.
Any examples of how? Not doubting because I genuinely can't think of anything that doesn't involve body movement (which didn't interest me with the Wii and doesn't now) and speaking (which I don't like to do when gaming as I often play when disturbing others isn't ideal).

Kinect is one of those things that I've always wanted to get behind because it seems so advanced, but I just can't. The same way I really wanted to love the Wii yet ultimately realised I preferred a regular pad.
The only thing Kinect is good for is voice commands in games. Otherwise it collects dust.

I really can't believe that Sony has no DRM and is cheaper. MS really seems to have dropped the ball on that. It seems like things are reversed from last time where Sony was arrogant and more expensive and thought people would just stay with them anyway.

I've never owned a PS, but will seriously look into it now. The DRM doesn't even bother me that much, but I was expecting Sony to have something similar.
I genuinely can't think of anything that doesn't involve body movement

I can think of a couple minor things, I'm sure someone being paid to focus on it full time could come up with some pretty cool stuff. Thing is, what're the odds any really cool stuff will be implemented when the focus is halo, call of duty, and fish swimming away?
Looks like I missed a video that went up a few months ago showing the PS4's UI and non-gaming features a bit more.

There's some pretty smart shit:

  • Ability to play games while they download (wat the fak)
  • Always-on video recording like that NVIDIA thing announced recently
  • Twitch-like streaming of your game in a chat room, with ability to take over the player's controller to help them (WAT THE FAK)
  • Full integration with tablets, phones, computers, etc
  • Pre-downloading of games and DLC the console thinks you might want, so when you purchase there's no waiting
I really like the idea of how integrated this is with other platforms. Being able to easily share stuff on forums and stuff is a great thing, rather than it all being locked up in the console's ecosystem. I've used the PS3's screenshot feature a bunch of times but it feels so pointless when it's all stuck on my PS3. Being able to share not videos, statuses and screenshots while I'm playing, etc is something I can see myself doing, especially if it can hook into Facebook and Twatter. It could end up being a really popular new gaming-focused 'blog' platform if they get the web-based stuff right.

That guy is a bit unsettling though, lol.
I just don't get why they're only doing 500gb drives with the move towards digital distribution. HDDs are cheap, not going with 1tb drives or bigger seems dumb.
Yeah, 500gb is not that hard to fill up in a few years. It seems you have to install games, so you can't even save space going with the disk.

They'll probably sell add-on drives at a ridiculous price.
Yeah, 500gb is not that hard to fill up in a few years. It seems you have to install games, so you can't even save space going with the disk.

They'll probably sell add-on drives at a ridiculous price.
500GB isn't bad at all. My PS3 has like 320GB and I've still got about 100GB left after years of installing games, hundreds of albums, videos, etc.

It's been confirmed that you can replace the drive though. The PS3's hard drive is easily removable via a flap and a screw, and you can replace it with any laptop-size drive you want. It's a very easy process as the OS, etc is on a separate internal drive. Sony generally sticks to standards, for example mini-USB charging and support for USB mice/keyboards.

Not trying to suckle Sony's cock too hard but I guess a lot of people never had a PS3 and so don't realise that Sony have always been pretty good to gamers. Compared to Microsoft's history of squeezing money out of consumers (lol official add-on drives lol) they're like saints.
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Kinect has sold a ton of units though, we may be under estimating how much the average consumer enjoys it.

I like it. I'm into gay dance central type games, but thats all I have for it, and I haven't used it for a game in like 2 years. I use it to video chat with my brother/nephew though(I bought them an xbox/kinect bundle for christmas last year).
I like it. I'm into gay dance central type games, but thats all I have for it, and I haven't used it for a game in like 2 years. I use it to video chat with my brother/nephew though(I bought them an xbox/kinect bundle for christmas last year).

Still, 24+ million units sold, your average internet video game forum reader may not like it, but we are a tiny sliver of the population and not all that relevant.

Parents see a system that has games that gets little timmy jumping around and active, vs one they sit at and look like a zombie. Thats a pretty big selling point.
There's some pretty smart shit:

  • Ability to play games while they download (wat the fak)
  • Always-on video recording like that NVIDIA thing announced recently
  • Twitch-like streaming of your game in a chat room, with ability to take over the player's controller to help them (WAT THE FAK)
  • Full integration with tablets, phones, computers, etc
  • Pre-downloading of games and DLC the console thinks you might want, so when you purchase there's no waiting
By "smart shit" you basically mean "what PC's have been doing for the past 5 years"?

I love how most console "innovations" are the adoption of mainstream PC features. Oh well... at least Nintendo throws us a curve ball every now and then.
Parents see a system that has games that gets little timmy jumping around and active, vs one they sit at and look like a zombie. Thats a pretty big selling point.

yeah thats why I got it for my brother/nephew. Nephew is only like 5, really active and into sports. my brother wanted an xbox just to play like Madden and stuff. I think the Kinect is perfect for kids that age, definitely healthier than just putting a controller in their hands and letting them get used to staring at the tv for hours. My sister in law was against getting an xbox, but she's come around to it since the only games they let the kids play are kinect games. Plus since I see them like once a year its cool that I can hop on video chat with them pretty easy.
I hope xbox didn't shoot themselves in the foot with the DRM shit. It really doesn't bother me in the least but I'm not gonna buy one if its pretty clear they're DOA this generation.
By "smart shit" you basically mean "what PC's have been doing for the past 5 years"?

I love how most console "innovations" are the adoption of mainstream PC features. Oh well... at least Nintendo throws us a curve ball every now and then.
Yes, that's why I directly compared some of the features to PC alternatives in my own post. I am a PC gamer too, you know. That doesn't make me any less happy that these things are being implemented well into consoles, which I spend significantly more time playing on because there are more, better games available on them.

Although I can't think of any PC services I've used where I could play games as I downloaded them, or take over someone's controller while watching them, or pre-download content based on guessing what you might want (not manually). The fact that such things will be standard in a console used by millions is great.
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Kinect has sold a ton of units though, we may be under estimating how much the average consumer enjoys it.

Ok,but 24 million people have bought kinect, in its current form, for 99-150 bucks. Family's love it, you know they will have plenty of "casual" games ready for launch they just didn't show today.

Microsoft Xbox 360 sales top 76 million, Kinect sales top 24 million | BGR

Holy shit that's surprising. ~32% of people who have bought a 360 have also gotten a Kinect? I'm having a tough time believing that. I've literally only saw one once when some kid and his family brought one over to my house during a party.

Still, I feel like getting the Kinect was still an afterthought of having a 360 already, which a large portion of people got it over the PS3 because of the price point. Also, if the novelty of the Kinect has worn off among most people (not saying it has, just if), the PS4 will look a lot more attractive. It's price with the Eye is still less than the Xbone, and that comes with better graphics.