Racism & TW.

Figures...I'm a mexican raised by white parents. I lived through nothing but racial insensitivity growing up in a small hick town in Texas where racism was a common theme. Perhaps that's why I get wound up about it. I grew up having my friends called spics, niggers, malottos, etc...all while wondering how the hell they were that when I was almost the same color as them.

Yeah, I've known for awhile...racisim is inherent in all things...but people that focus simply on the negatives, that promote hate and bigotry as a way to justify their racism...that's just sad.

Is it wrong to be against abject racism? To be upset by religious extremists? I don't think so...and to be surprised by a severe, adverse reaction to those very topics is a wonder to me. I think it would be expected by most people who are moderate thinkers.

i'm trying to say i don't get why you keep bringing up the jailbait thread in the thread you made about your concerns about racism on tw, and that normally when a person brings up pedophilia in a conversation that has nothing to do with pedophilia, that person could have daddy issues, or could have been molested, or is a kid-toucher.

or maybe not

Methinks the maybe not route would be less of an affront...to both of us.
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you are the worst fucking type of hypocrite, and believe me I've dealt with a few in my time as a communist activist

you're the sort of hypocrite that can sit and say 'omg how can you classify people by x/y/z, my god that makes you an A/B/C MONSTER!'

free speech is free speech, if you dont like the fact that someone else has the right or opportunity to air their opinions then you are the one that can GIT OUT

LOL...you just put the smackdown on yourself, you know that? You're upset about my apparent use of the freedom of speech so much that you're telling me to leave because I used it?


And when did I profess to be a promoter of Free Speech on TW? I never even brougth that up in my original post...that was the justification to allow the racist comments (and everything else that goes on TW) by the admin of this site.

It was never my role...
LOL...you just put the smackdown on yourself, you know that? You're upset about my apparent use of the freedom of speech so much that you're telling me to leave because I used it?


And when did I profess to be a promoter of Free Speech on TW? I never even brougth that up in my original post...that was the justification to allow the racist comments (and everything else that goes on TW) by the admin of this site.

It was never my role...

did you actually read what you typed before you hit post

You're upset about my apparent use of the freedom of speech so much that you're telling me to leave because I used it?

Did you? What are you so up in arms about? That I dislike racial extremists? Does that bother you?

That I dislike people that hold ill will towards people of a certain color? Because if it does, you can go fuck yourself. In that regard, I'm not changing. And if TW is so high up on freedom of speech, then TW will back me on that, because I'm just speaking my mind.

I don't see what you're arguing about...
I don't ever, well rarely ever actually say the word 'nigger.' Even typing it makes me feel shitty.

I don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say and yet without batting an eye, I'll refer to black people as 'niggas' or 'negros'
Did you? What are you so up in arms about? That I dislike racial extremists? Does that bother you?

That I dislike people that hold ill will towards people of a certain color? Because if it does, you can go fuck yourself. In that regard, I'm not changing. And if TW is so high up on freedom of speech, then TW will back me on that, because I'm just speaking my mind.

I don't see what you're arguing about...

well, let's take it backwards shall we

I don't see what you're arguing about...

hmngh I dont even need to start with the idea of who was arguing what

And if TW is so high up on freedom of speech, then TW will back me on that, because I'm just speaking my mind.


That I dislike people that hold ill will towards people of a certain color? Because if it does, you can go fuck yourself. In that regard, I'm not changing.

well, that's certainly constructive

Did you? What are you so up in arms about? That I dislike racial extremists? Does that bother you?

if you hate racial extremists so much then you should probably do what I do and be a member of a real life multicultural community that actively fights racism and extremism and prejudice (in all its forms) in real life, rather than get batshit upset at a forum that is fucking notorious for being entirely full of middle-aged trolls that know better and kids trying to emulate the same

check yourself, you fucking idiot, put down the beer, and just enjoy the fact that this is one of the few places that people can actually say the shit that they feel

do you think that the people who have to help quadraplegiacs have sex with eachother (I know a couple) dont go off and drink themselves insensible afterwards? do you think that police officers in a tough district dont want to go off somewhere to say 'fucking niggers' ?

grow up
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What I like is that we can talk about a topic that is nearly impossible to talk about IRL outside of your closest friends.
Yes, this is the point. But do you blame the white man for his resentment that he can only talk about his opinions to close friends while other races can openly lobby for their races advancement? You can't say that on just any forum, but you can say it here. You have to understand my passion for the unbridled spirit of the Internet when it was just beginning -- when society didn't even understand what it was. Now, as more of the same types of people in society who have demonized certain points of view have invaded the Internet. The same people who cry for equality by demanding their minority (religious, gender, orientation, race) be given advantages. It's completely hypocritical and frankly ...

To weigh in: many of TW's high-profile posters are incredibly racist; whether they're serious or doing it in jest, they're still pieces of shit. Although there has always been an element of racism bubbling away here, I think it has definitely become a more salient feature in recent years. It's really distasteful. However, other than abusing the posters who post racist and xenophobic things, banning racist posters without banning homophobic or misogynistic posters as well would be hypocritical. I think it's better that everyone understands TW is a bit of an Internet cesspit and, no matter how much I disagree personally with Rayn's tolerance of it, I come here with full-knowledge of what to expect.
part of it is that your reply to his post missed about 100% of the point

Wrong. As I said, I was never a proponent of absolute free speech on this forum. That was never in my post, so I don't know how I can be called a hypocrite in the explanation he provided.

I don't believe in hate speech...if that's not true freedom of speech, then fuck it. I don't come here to read about how niggers and jews are bad, bad people that should all be wiped off the planet. I'm not here because I'm a Freedom of Speech lover. I'm here because I like Tribes, and I enjoy alot of the topics in the GD section. I never came here for this big, existential idea that Rayn promotes. The idea that it'll be anything more than a forum full of racists, idealists, and grumpy old men is laughable. For awhile, everything else about is enjoyable, and to be honest, alot of the threads made me wonder why I ever stopped coming here in the first place.

But then again...now I'm seeing why I did. I'm just not down with seeing people being utterly cruel and full of hate.

Is that why you come here? It's why I said I'll use the ignore button, or I'll leave TW for the people that like that sorta thing.

Freedom of speech is great...it's a fabulous idea. But the idea that I have to see titles like NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS in my daily reading offends me personally.

For those of you that can't understand that...my apologies for not being clear enough.
Yes, this is the point. But do you blame the white man for his resentment that he can only talk about his opinions to close friends while other races can openly lobby for their races advancement? You can't say that on just any forum, but you can say it here. You have to understand my passion for the unbridled spirit of the Internet when it was just beginning -- when society didn't even understand what it was. Now, as more of the same types of people in society who have demonized certain points of view have invaded the Internet. The same people who cry for equality by demanding their minority (religious, gender, orientation, race) be given advantages. It's completely hypocritical and frankly ...


Fucking jesus, you are just tearing this thread apart lol.

And I think it's anyones right, to hate anyone else, for whatever reason they want. It doesn't mean I have to share a fucking ice cream float with them at the local Frosty Top though.

if you hate racial extremists so much then you should probably do what I do and be a member of a real life multicultural community that actively fights racism and extremism and prejudice (in all its forms) in real life, rather than get batshit upset at a forum that is fucking notorious for being entirely full of middle-aged trolls that know better and kids trying to emulate the same

check yourself, you fucking idiot, put down the beer, and just enjoy the fact that this is one of the few places that people can actually say the shit that they feel

grow up

After this thread, I feel like I need a beer.

See my above post...I never viewed TW as this mecca of Freedom of Speech. Perhaps it's because I missed the brochure during my time of absence, but TW has always just about a bunch of grumpy people who were "edgy"...not some internet holy land for the freedom of speech lovers.

Now that I know that, it makes a bit more sense...but unfortunately, you failed to notice that I got just that earlier in the thread. How about you read the entire thread before you come raging in screaming about hypocrits?

LOL...so funny.
After perusing this thread, I've come to the conclusion that ArchangelX is a fucking faggot