Let them build that fucking Mosque

Lol there are exceptions to everything, also it's rahamdan right now and I have to listen to it ramble on for a couple hours every night >_> and then wake up to it in the morning >_>.

Ain't that a bitch.

True that!

Like a nagging bitch....... never stops!
Modern day Islam is still savage. See Iran.

The Shah made a mistake.
He tried to secularize and modernize Iran all at once! :banging:

He should have invited ALL the leading Clerics to a fabulous banquet.

At that point ( under torture ) extracted audio proclimation
of these retirements to a desolate mountainous retreat.
( heavily under guard)

And then sent them unto Allah
...After all :lol: isn't where the Clerics say they want to be? :rofl:

and appointed moderate replacements.
If we let this mosque go up, how are we going to justify tearing down all the rest of the mosques in Manhattan, and the rest of the country? Because obviously that's the only way to respect the fallen of 9/11, to destroy the 1st Amendment in their honor.
If we let this mosque go up, how are we going to justify tearing down all the rest of the mosques in Manhattan, and the rest of the country? Because obviously that's the only way to respect the fallen of 9/11, to destroy the 1st Amendment in their honor.

The Mosques were there before. This is a new Mosque being built to show the power of Islam and to commemorate the WTC attacks.

Liberals really are brain dead sometimes.
JoMo, you've gone completely bat shit insane here.

From the outside, no one would even know it was a Mosque. It was a non issue while some fukn kikes fanned hate, by spreading lies and malicious rumors, for months on end.

Present-day Christian terrorist and paramilitary groups far outnumber Muslim terrorist and paramilitary groups both in population and in destruction.
I would like to hear more about this.
What country suffers from islamic radicalism?

These are Christians that are doing this. Are you simple?

The bible clearly says you shouldn't suffer a witch to live. I've talked with American Christians that agree.


You can't compare some savage interpretation of Christianity to modern day Christianity.
How is this not modern? It's happening today.

How about Uganda, who put the death penalty for gays under the advice of some white Christians from California?
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These are Christians that are doing this. Are you simple?

How is this not modern? It's happening today.

How about Uganda, who put the death penalty for gays under the advice of some white Christians from California?

It's happening in Nigeria and Uganda.