Malygos 10

Sarth died from 9,585,276 damage doing 3D last night, so to keep it "safe" from the immune, you need to do that in 80 seconds, or 119.8k RDPS, or ~5446 DPS per player with 2 healers and 1 tank (~5355 DPS if your tank can do 2k).
Really not that hard to put out that much dps in a ~75 second fight.

The post on MMO-champion linked the damage meter and armory profiles of the people...all of them could have been higher especially the warriors. The top warrior had 12 hit and 12 strength gems and shit.

Considering the entire raid has bloodlust for over half the fight, and fury warriors will have death wish for just under half the fight, those numbers are going to be inflated pretty significantly.

Not to mention, the DK was blood and would have had Dancing Rune Weapon up for a good portion of the fight. The DK used hysteria on himself instead of one of the warriors too...

Edit: Here's a better one with a warrior in pretty much full BiS:

Granted this group also had real synergy instead of just slapping a bunch of fury warriors in a group.
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Wow, Sapph must be the easiest boss in the game. My failboat guild managed to one-shot him last night (25) after the raid leader made us put on our frost gear. :lol:

We then proceeded to wipe 6 times on KT because failures couldn't control the adds @ 40%. :picard:

Oh, and I'm keeping that level 70 wand just to spite zeph.

The World of Warcraft Armory
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FYI you being terrible at this game doesn't affect me, it hinders your game experience and wastes $15mo. But seriously LMAO YOU SHOWED ME BROSKI! -_-
you've been 80 for 2 months and still haven't cleared 25 man naxx or maly?

I cleared both about 3 hours after I hit 80

shit, I'm pretty sure 10 man naxx is harder than 25 man
Saph is harder than KT. I don't know how you can kill him but not KT.

Not just kill him. We walked in with 2-4pc Frost Resist gear and downed him in 1 shot like it was our job.

I :lol:ed IRL.

Not because we were awesome, but because we just came off of 2 nights(!) wiping on Thaddius (25) because a couple of artards can't distinguish positive and negative or blue from red. It was at least 8 wipes before we killed him.

I think I'm sticking around just for the comedy factor.
Not just kill him. We walked in with 2-4pc Frost Resist gear and downed him in 1 shot like it was our job.

I :lol:ed IRL.

Not because we were awesome, but because we just came off of 2 nights(!) wiping on Thaddius (25) because a couple of artards can't distinguish positive and negative or blue from red. It was at least 8 wipes before we killed him.

I think I'm sticking around just for the comedy factor.

Jesus Christ even I know how to do that. And that's barring the obligatory post-fight group hug to give the healers something to do while the leaders sort out of the loot. :lol:
You really don't need FR gear, really.

Why would anyone subject themselves to wiping night after night on the easy content to date. Seems like a waste of time and money to me, personally.

Good luck in Ulduar I suppose.
If my guild hits a brick wall in Ulduar (prob will) I'm gonna quit and join a better one. I've been in the guild for 1.5 years and I'm a classleader but I just can't take it if we can't do decent progress in Ulduar. Bottom line I play this game for fun and it's not fun having an endless number of retards dying to brightly colored rainbow void zones and what not.