3.1 changes


Veteran XV
Bummer. The test realm patch notes no longer say that mana and healing totem are combined. It says that mana totem now acts as a blessing of wisdom, cancelling out the actual blessing of wisdom in the raid.
Mana Spring Totem: This totem has been redesigned. It now provides the same mana benefit as Blessing of Wisdom to the entire party or raid, but is exclusive with that effect.

This is what it actually says. Now I'm thinking they just aren't letting them stack? its kind of vague.
They're really taking this mana regen shit seriously. Nuking the hell out of it...
Yeah, it's gonna be rough for us sucky healers. I just hope they don't mess with Prayer of Mending. That is flat awesome for things like Sapphiron and Malygos.
The changes to LFG are nice. As well as dropping the dual spec's to a minimal level of 40 (i don't see it being usefull much though till you get to 60ish).
I'm not going to pay 1000g so my level 60 can go holy/ret through instances up to 80. This change wasn't entirely necessary.
I'm not going to pay 1000g so my level 60 can go holy/ret through instances up to 80. This change wasn't entirely necessary.

for those with alts with lots of gold, buying dual spec @ 40/50/60/70 is the same as buying it @ 80. so if you find yourselves doing instances @ 60, then you might as well pay for it. If i had the money, and i was leveling my priest, i would most definately have done it. I can heal much better in holy/dis then i can with shadow (i make do, but it gets a bit hairy towards the end :p), and there's NO way i'm leveling holy/dis. Anything < 60, most people just have a guild mate run them through. I assume that will happen in the end with the 60-70 level instances, but for now people still run quite a few of them.
I'm not going to pay 1000g so my level 60 can go holy/ret through instances up to 80. This change wasn't entirely necessary.
Well worth it to expedite the process of forming groups. I'd use it already on my altadin that's only level 37 or so if I could and it only takes a couple days to make 1k gold so np. I have 2 fully enchanted toons that are geared out, bought cards for a Nobles deck when they were 1-200g more per card than today, PL'd engineering 350-450 and PL'd JC twice 0-450, bought and/or crafted as many BoE level 80 DPS and tanking items as I could to get my alt up to speed and I'm still sitting on around 25k gold with at least 10k in mats. I started Wotlk with 8k, 5 of which the guild mailed us from Sunwell profits selling rings/t6.
I'm not going to pay 1000g so my level 60 can go holy/ret through instances up to 80. This change wasn't entirely necessary.
If a person isn't going to want it at 80, then it's not worth it. But if you're pretty sure you want it at 80 it's nice to be able to use it while levelling too.
Well worth it to expedite the process of forming groups.

That's wishful thinking. Just because it will be there doesn't mean it'll be used. I'm sure some people won't even take it up, and even then they'll fuck up the other spec and/or they won't have the gear or even the knowledge or experience to back up said spec. You get a retadin who dual-specs Holy, he'll whine and cry about having to heal. But when he/she swaps out his healing will be so horrible the group will wipe left and right anyway.
Smaq I'm not on your server. Give me some gold making secrets.
- Level JC if you haven't already. Spend 1-2k (max) to go 1-330+ and be high enough to do basically everything you need to do to use prismatic gems.
- Spend 2 weeks' tokens on the few good recipes you'll want that sell like hotcakes (delicate+bolt ruby, luminous+veiled topaz, insightful earthsiege) then if you don't care about getting more recipes you make about 120g in 5-10mins every day killing no more than 5 mobs for the JC daily. In less than a month you'll pay for the cost of powerleveling it.
- Look at the price of cut vs uncut gems and go into a market where you'll make enough for it to be worth the time. I personally only fuck with orange, purple and red gems and only mess with others if I get really bored or end up with more than a stack of uncut green/blue/yellow gems (or I'll cut a bunch and put them in our guild vault, only out maybe 20g that way so no biggie).
- I buy orange uncut gems for 20g then cut and relist for no less than 35g. I buy uncut purple gems for 15-20g and relist cut gems for 30-35+. I also buy any red gems under 70g and relist for 90-100g buyouts.
- Metas are also nice, you can buy skyflares cheap and cut to Chaotics that sometimes sell nicely. They're down to 30-35g on Tich now so I have a stack sitting around waiting for prices to go up. Earthsiege I buy for 30g uncut and relist as Beaming/Insightful/Relentless that sell for at least 60g once cut.
- If you have an enchanter you can also make shitter rings that require a couple green-quality gems and some crystallized earth and then in turn sell stacks of enchanting mats that are overpriced. My main is JC+Enchanting =D

90 minutes or so per week at the AH for 1-2k profit (counting gold also made in raids).

- Non JC way to make big bank is to buy out cheap Dragonfin Angelfish and cook 40str or 40agi food. Warriors and Rogues don't use feasts in raids because dragonfin shit is better so those always sell. I buy stacks of fish for 30-45g, cook them with northern spices I get doing dailies, and resell the stacks for 110g for a nice 50-60g profit.

- Even if you have 50 of an item don't put them all on the AH at once. I normally only put 2-3 of any gem cut or stack of food up at once and toss another up whenever one sells. The times I'm lazy and just throw up 10 gems I almost guarantee someone will undercut me and half of them will come back in 2 days.

Most professions have a trick or two in order to make easy money, just find one that isn't already being exploited and make some easy gold. If you can't necessarily make a lot with crafted or cut items then if you have a gathering profession you can make a lot there as well. Herbalism is $$$$, mining can be but it's nothing like it was 2 months ago. Enchanting you can make scrolls that are always in high demand for the lazy.