[Poll] Wealth Re-distribution?

[ ] For distributing it all to ZOD

[ ] Against

[ ] :lolwut:

Which one are you, and why?

I want to say against because I think you should be rewarded for hard work.

On the other hand, I also believe that there are plenty of people who were born in to money and haven't worked a day in their lives and on top of that are hording all they have. At the same time, it's not their fault they were born rich.

I'm torn.

What say ye?

[X] For

Because any other answer else would be dumb.
PantsMcFist has yet to offer a single example of what he's talking about. That's all I'm asking.

You can't actually be this obtuse.

I'm talking about abolishing border.

A North American Union

One World Gov't

Call it whatever you want. A world where the region of our birth doesn't play such a big role determining our lifespan, level of education or station in life. If that's too 'emo' for you, think smaller.

How about a USA with a gov't whose mandate comes from democracy - the will and good of the people, instead of a couple of hundred uber-wealthy corporations and banks who have no interest in accountability or responsibility.
You can't actually be this obtuse.

I'm talking about abolishing border.

A North American Union

One World Gov't

Call it whatever you want. A world where the region of our birth doesn't play such a big role determining our lifespan, level of education or station in life. If that's too 'emo' for you, think smaller.

How about a USA with a gov't whose mandate comes from democracy - the will and good of the people, instead of a couple of hundred uber-wealthy corporations and banks who have no interest in accountability or responsibility.

Oh, lol.

Now I understand.
Those of you against "wealth redistribution": Are you also against your tax dollars going to bail out the banks/mortgage companies?
So I don't get this line of thought, where do do you get off telling others what they can do with the money they earned? Sorry but this just reeks of jealousy
I'm not telling them what they can do with the money they earned, if they earned it.

If the inherited it (as in, they didn't earn it), then they get a tidy sum, and the rest gets put into national programs. With what that sum, they are in control of whether or not they make more, or don't.
Those of you against "wealth redistribution": Are you also against your tax dollars going to bail out the banks/mortgage companies?

I am

I'm not telling them what they can do with the money they earned, if they earned it.

If the inherited it (as in, they didn't earn it), then they get a tidy sum, and the rest gets put into national programs. With what that sum, they are in control of whether or not they make more, or don't.

yes you are, you are telling the parents what they can and can not do with their money, next thing you know you are going to tell us that heirloom jewlery should be confiscated and given to the needy
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I am

yes you are, you are telling the parents what they can and can not do with their money, next thing you know you are going to tell us that heirloom jewlery should be confiscated and given to the needy
I'm not telling the parents a damn thing about their money. I'm telling their children that it's not their money, they didn't earn it, they get some, but not all.

I wouldn't have a dime go to the needy. There are programs in place for them already, and I'm not opposed to slashing those either. As I said, I would have the money put into infrastructure, education.

What the fuck would they do with heirloom jewelry?
I'm not telling them what they can do with the money they earned, if they earned it.

If the inherited it (as in, they didn't earn it), then they get a tidy sum, and the rest gets put into national programs. With what that sum, they are in control of whether or not they make more, or don't.

If someone earns money, are you for or against telling that person what to do with it?