[So] I went to a gay club tonight.

Not being homophobic has advantages
Being homophobic has none (besides the fact that it's totally ridiculous)
Im older than most of you, and frankly, Ive been to a few gay clubs and had a blast. The chicks are more friendly, and the dude's dont get the "gay vibe" off a straight man. I've hooked up with chicks, and I've gone and just hung out with my straight and gay friends, danced with girls or alone.

OK fuckit, Im a gayber, I love teh kawk.
Not being homophobic has advantages
Being homophobic has none (besides the fact that it's totally ridiculous)

aka - i'm getting called out hard for being a closet fag so i'm going to pretend like people who dont dance with guys are insecure homofags

its not working brosef
seriously though, id rather go to a gay club with a few straight chicks hanging around than a straight club with chicks all over the place ready to mace the fuck out of u if you talk to them.
The only times I've been to a gay club (3 times) I ended up hooking up with girls on the dance floor. ;)
yeah enjoy hooking up with chicks that try to fuck their gay friend on a daily basis

thanks for helping spread hiv to the heterosexual community you disgusting faggots
you're trying pretty hard to justify this

plus you made a thread about it. what were you looking for
i'm not gay bashing or anything. i've crawled my legs up the bathroom wall and came on my own face but i didnt make a thread about it
accidently walked into a gay bar in vegas a couple years ago.

it was on halloween night so it didn't take me long to figure out it was a gay bar.

didn't like it at all, will probably never purposely go to a gay bar/club
I don't get many chances to turn down people's sexual advances so going to a gay club could be fun.
 And I might even meet a nice boy to bring home to mom 