I retrospective: isuk@tribes is fucking creepy

So you and a friend did your infamous tribes days server attacks, and then your friend called slams work because he was banned from a server? Are you still friends with this kid? Why were you ever friends with this kid?

We aren't friends and I had nothing to do with the phone call. I don't see how one could logically link me to this without knowing the storyline but nice try.
Hey guys you're all a bunch of bandwagoning nerds that take the internet way too seriously.

Please allow me to show you how much I don't care by defending every single thing said against me on the internet that I don't care about.
Adren how did you explain your underage 16 year old videogame girlfriend moving into to your parents house to your strict asian parents? :lol:
We aren't friends and I had nothing to do with the phone call. I don't see how one could logically link me to this without knowing the storyline but nice try.

So what you're saying is sLaM is randomly making shit up about you. He bandwagons and trolls people on here all the time, and therefore, you have much more credibility.

Do you get angry at yourself for your repressed lying?
We aren't friends and I had nothing to do with the phone call. I don't see how one could logically link me to this without knowing the storyline but nice try.

I didnt logically link you, it had a question mark. I was asking you. You were friends? Or was the entire isuk@tribes server attack based of this xerious kid and you going to the same school? You never attacked slams server? Or any server?
Hey guys you're all a bunch of bandwagoning nerds that take the internet way too seriously.

Please allow me to show you how much I don't care by defending every single thing said against me on the internet that I don't care about.


I'm being trolled by 10-15 evendetta people that have frabricated most of the stories. I am not going to bite on Kurayamis trap. :lol:

I don't care about these frabrications thus I am leaving!
I didnt logically link you, it had a question mark. I was asking you. You were friends? Or was the entire isuk@tribes server attack based of this xerious kid and you going to the same school? You never attacked slams server? Or any server?

I never attacked his server or did anything, I am going to go eat lunch peace.
You don't even know what the fuck you are talking about, me and EOTL registered it in 2001 and both used it then he retired and I kept using it.

I'm sure you are old school though and had "old accounts here". Keep talking out of your ass. Also please find a single person that can tell you I purchased an account off of them that isn't lieing, it never happened, but nice fabrication you made. I'm sure you would know having regged during the t2 era.

actually I played eu t1

but carry on pulling things out of your arse bro
He probably thinks he has a bunch of new friends because we are all talking about him.


- 08-14-2008, 08:32 PM

Forward Message Reply With Quote
I understand what you are trying to do with changing your image, but it will never happen. You could post this pm in a thread, doesn't matter to me. I'm just trying to give you some genuine advice. It will never happen. TW never forgets.

creep he sent this pm to me now he is posting this :lol:
Its just strange that I always thought this kid was gay. He would bash people for not buying 300$ pairs of jeans, and he would comment on other guys having good style and looks. And now if you read what other people are "fabricating" about him it just so happens to sound even more gay.
Adren how did you explain your underage 16 year old videogame girlfriend moving into to your parents house to your strict asian parents? :lol:

Do you really think if keep asking it, that I would tell you ANYTHING about my personal life after all of your psycho tendancies?

Repeating it a hundred times with :lol: when no one even responds to you only makes you look even more like a freak. Seeing how you are, why would I ever choose to answer your questions?
I didnt logically link you, it had a question mark. I was asking you. You were friends? Or was the entire isuk@tribes server attack based of this xerious kid and you going to the same school? You never attacked slams server? Or any server?

lol xerious,

he challenged to fight me at the LAN.

then said he couldn't afford to go

I paid for his ticket.

he still didn't show up.

doesn't suprise me he's friends with isuk - bunch of tools.
I remember isuk@tribes being notorious for server attacks and a general dickhead back in the day. Did he just say all of that never happened? He is just a victim of story fabricators?