[Job etiquette] Boss takes long lunches

I'm not entirely sure what you're complaining about.
I'm just nervous because this job is soooo laid back, and I feel like I should be doing a lot more work.

They just got back, now the coworker is checking his mail and digg again.
I used to take long lunches all the time with my boss... back when I had a cool job and boss...

Enjoy it while it lasts.

We'd go out for something to eat, then hit the computer store nearby just to browse around (usually to talk gaming), then he'd get ice cream on the way back. We'd be gone 2+ hours.
and coworker just ran out the door, mumbled something about "be right back"
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Welcome to IT!

No shit, what are you complaining about? This is the way it is, once you realize this, you'll start doing the same.

Where I work, we can roll in anytime as long as it's before 10, I usually shoot for 9 or a little after depending on if the train is running late or not. I usually pack my lunch as I'm trying to save a little money at the moment and I leave by 5:30-5:45. Nobody says anything, not once in the ~2 years I have been here has anyone said anything to me about my attendance.

Most software places have core hours and as long as you're there during that time, or aren't missing meetings scheduled outside of the core hours, then you are pretty much left alone otherwise.

That said, I don't abuse it and make sure I put in my 8 hours by shortening my lunch or leaving a bit later. If you just use good judgment, you can be pretty stress free about this type of thing.
I just recently quit my job at the dealership I was working at (got to start being academic again, sadly), where one of the managers (slash store owner) was an awesome guy.

Him, myself and another salesguy who he'd been friends with for a while would routinely fuck off for long lunches, long mid-day breaks, whatever.

We were good salesmen though, so no one cared. Why bother the guys doing well when you've got guys spending more time at the place and selling less?

Enjoy it while you can, it's a bit of a rarity in the working world these days with digitized punch-clock bullshit creeping up everywhere and fresh-out-of-college super duper managers popping up and demanding to-the-minute punctuality.
Taking long lunches makes Miley angry. And you wouldn't like Miley when she's angry.

Or would you, you sick fuck?

I used to take long lunches all the time with my boss... back when I had a cool job and boss...

Enjoy it while it lasts.

We'd go out for something to eat, then hit the computer store nearby just to browse around (usually to talk gaming), then he'd get ice cream on the way back. We'd be gone 2+ hours.
did you also sit on a hill, rounding each other and watching the sunset?

and did you suck each other's cock?
I am a technology coordinator for a school. I don't have a boss per se, except for of course the principal. I have my own office (classroom) in which I pretty much can do whatever I wanted.

If I left I don't answer to anyone so I can leave and say I was at district doing some things or grabbing some equipment etc if someone actually asked me which never happened. Sometimes on friday's I go out with a friend for a 2 hour lunch on the clock. I get to come in when I want leave when I want, and I get paid 22/hour. I can work as much as I want as well.

I don't abuse my freedom, but I sure do appreciate it. Not bad for a college student doing this for part time. :)

edit: In fact I am at work right now where I can just go home for 4 - 5 hours and come back to punch out. I love my job.
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