Have you had your 15 minutes of fame?

i was on a bloomberg terminal in the background while my boss was being interviewed on cnbc

little did they know i was playing pocket pool while maria was conducting the interview
I went to the beach with my family, it was a day away from a hurricane; we went to check out how windy it was. (in Florida, hurricane Wilma I believe). A news crew from Philadelphia (semi famous too) came up to us and interviewed my mom (we all looked like shit, but she looked the best haha.) they wanted to interview us on why we didn't go to another city/state to avoid the hurricane.

My hair was all fucked up and I was wearing ragged ass clothes. My 5 seconds of fame I've never seen I guess *shrug*

That hurricane sucked, I smelled like ass and sweat for a week because I couldn't shower and we had no power.... :( We got a generator and it was around the time Call of Duty 1 came out, luckily we had torrented it a few days prior so I played that with no internet and hot as shit in the room because our generator could only run the fridge and computer.
I'm sorry for your pain bro, as only a parent of a very sick child can feel.

Fuck that "he is in a better place shit" I want my son in my arms, plain and simple. I know that you can feel me on that.

Thanks. I am very lucky in that we happened to catch her early so she's by all appearances a perfectly normal child. She does struggle a bit in school but I think anymore it's due to teenage laziness more than the disease. She's not a dumb kid. She's been taking the medication for 4 years now and I hate to think what she'd be like if we hadn't gotten a diagnosis. The one thing that I tell people is never take no for an answer, always keep digging.

It has changed my life in ways I never thought possible and taken me places I never thought I'd go. It has shown me what I'm here for, to help others like her. Some people never find that out, in that respect I'm lucky.
Link or pic of said gf? Cmon this is TW.

i dont have a link to the page, its not electronic. but i can show you the cover of the cover of the specific issue she was in.


you can see the link to it at the very very bottom right hand side of the home page of Journal and Courier Online - Greater Lafayette, Indiana

although i have to say im quite embarrassed because that cover sucks ass, and i just changed it to a way better one. although no one will believe me anyway.
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Been in the paper countless times and TV several times from soccer while growing up. Was also in the papers and on the news for a couple days when I was arrested years back, but we wont talk about that as its dead to me now. Neither are really considered 15 minutes of fame though.

you won the sunday million and weekly TLB on pokerstars. thats at least 15 minutes of fame in the poker world.
It has changed my life in ways I never thought possible and taken me places I never thought I'd go. It has shown me what I'm here for, to help others like her. Some people never find that out, in that respect I'm lucky.

You guys are fucking awesome. :rocker:
Once when I was like 8, rabbits invaded our neighborhood. There was a news truck parked around the block to talk about the rabbit infestation. I wasn't on the news or anything, but I biked by.

...my life has been pretty boring, now that I think about it...
ive released some music somewhere at some point on a record label or two. im not nearly as famous as tehvul though ill tell you that.