[Illidan] Yey

Why do you guys still say BG9? The present BG9 is clearly different now from what it was when battlegroups started. If I'm not mistaken the present BG9 is Nightfall, are the bulk of those realms what you talk about or is it more where the old TW strongholds of Malganis, Illidan, etc. were?
PvP is terrible for the same reason people find PvE to be terrible, it's repetitive and boring if you don't enjoy playing the same 3 maps for a year or more straight. Personally for me I don't enjoy waiting 10 minutes in a queue to play an arena match that lasts 30 seconds to a minute, only to hop back in that 10 minute queue another 9 times to get points for the week. My main has zero pieces of s3 (all s3 honor items, 2pc s2 and 1pc s1) yet I can hit 1820 in one night queing up with some guildmate alts. For people who know how to handle their opponents and what counters certain classes or specs PVP is a breeze. I should get into arena on my alt warrior because it's the easiest way to gear it up, but I just don't get any pleasure from it.

I simply prefer the randomness of world PVP or BG's when people are equally geared (offering a fair fight) since it's not always the same shit rehashed over and over. It's unfortunate that Blizzard killed the drive to compete in those areas though in favor of having 100 copies of the same specs and similar setups duking it out in 10 minute queues.

Some PvE encounters are easily harder than playing arena, depending on how your guild tackles a boss. I know the way we do Illidari Council if you catch a stroke of bad luck with garrote, flamestrike or blizzard you can go from 100% to dead in about a second. It's akin to moving out of LoS of your healers and getting gibbed in the open. The Sunwell encounters so far are even more demanding than the hardest BT fight with enrage timers, dps benchmarks and coordination involved in taking down some encounters. You have your challenges and I have mine, but many of the people claiming superiority in arena are the same ones that /beg /plea /no when I'm bored and find them out farming. Yes, I die as well - but I don't ride in on a huge ego, I simply ride in and chop theirs down.
Deadly Poison/Evenom ...but I know what you meant ;)

How hard is it for people to enjoy one or both? I farm BT/Hyjal in 3 days then have the rest of the week to maintain a 2k rated PvP team. zOMg successful in both realms.

Personally, I want the pre-bc days where you can prove that you can work as a team/coordination then have the upper hand when fighting the less skilled players, but alas, that will never be again :(
I don't enjoy waiting 10 minutes in a queue to play an arena match that lasts 30 seconds to a minute, only to hop back in that 10 minute queue another 9 times to get points for the week.

Don't wait till Monday night then?
Well the bracket also matters, but doing it the day or two before points are calculated is when it gets really bad. Do it Wed-Sat and it's short.
That was a great analysis and everything, but I'm trying to find the part where you justify calling PvP as a whole "laughably easy."

If it's "laughably easy" for you, then I'm sure I can Armory you and see that you're in top 10 BG9 teams in all three brackets.

How many pieces of illidan loot do you have?

what a dumb fucking argument
for those bitching about arena pvp (im assuming you are 2k rated+ or you have no room to talk) what do you consider "good" pvp. examples from other games plz... and dont show me world pvp because thats comparing apples to pencil sharpeners.
for those bitching about arena pvp (im assuming you are 2k rated+ or you have no room to talk) what do you consider "good" pvp. examples from other games plz... and dont show me world pvp because thats comparing apples to pencil sharpeners.
Can you honestly say it's fun? After a year of playing the same 3 maps against the same 3 comps? People said AV became boring after hitting exalted or getting HWL, people also started to hate AB because you can't win with any random 15 retards and clickers and keyboard turners hate WSG because there's more to it than spamming 2-3 buttons. There's a reason most of the truly competitive bg9 teams stopped playing in the middle of season2 and many of the teams considered on top in s2 are now dodging queues or no longer competing as well.

On the same note raiding-wise we've had 4 or 5 people stop raiding or quit playing in the last year+ since TBC was released. I'll take 4-5 losing interest over 50-100 any day. Throw in a flag or another objective to move it away from a waiting game to see who has a player fuckup first and maybe I'd be sold on arena, but regardless of my priest's rank I've done more PVP than the average player and it's not my thing.
Smaq, the people who enjoy arena are the ones who enjoy talking strats, figuring out how beat certain comps, dueling (to an extent), fighting other human beings, etc.

Most true arena'ers would have fun in ANY map. What you're saying is, in my opinion, like saying Chess gets boring because you play it on the same black and white checkerboard each time.

It's fine if you don't enjoy arena. I just don't understand it when people can't at least imagine why others find it entertaining.

Note: I don't think WoW PvP is perfect. Far from it. But I think there is plenty of fun to be had.
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