
Veteran X
anyone looking to pick one up? have you heard anything about this product? does sony have a rival product? is it any good?
It seems neato. I have no interest in purchasing one.

My DS is presently in my bathroom. I play Brain Age while I poop.
I personally don't have an interest in it, but I'll probably buy it for when something does piques my interest.
Yeah, I really have no need for a portable game system outside of stupid games on my phone.
I was gifted a 3DS yesterday. This is my first handheld gaming device since... well, ever. I do not even own a smart phone and I remember playing the original Gameboy.

So far... I find the concept of a mobile gaming device, a little underwhelming.

I find it a tad large for a "pocket" device. It will fit in my front pocket easily enough, but it doesn't "disappear" into your pocket. You'll known it's in your pocket. It's larger then a smart-phone, maybe 20%(?) more surface area and twice the thickness of an iPhone. Overall, not too bad, doesn't feel bulky in my hand, just a little awkward to carry around with you where ever you go. Given the nature of Streetpass and SpotPass functionality... Nintendo does want you to carry it where ever you go.

I have a Cosmos Black version, and I like the low-key styling of the unit which doesn't scream Hey! I'm carrying a portable video game system!. There is no logo of any kind embossed on the exterior of the device, only the rear panel serial plate denotes it as a "Nintendo" product. It looks discreet, like a ordinary enough PDA device. It does have a high gloss finish to it though, which I'm never fond of for any device that physically gets handled a lot. It quickly shows finger prints and I imagine without a protector, it'll dull and show wear'n'tear soon enough.

Flipping it open, reveals an upper 3D screen that is the same size as an iPhone screen, it is sharp, bright and the stereoscopic 3D actually works as advertized. It has a simple slider to adjust the intensity or switch it off completely and can be quickly adjusted on the fly, any time. However, again, it has a High-Gloss surface which reflects light and mirrored images. I found it impossible to view the screen outside in bright sunlight.

The lower touch screen is slightly smaller, but functional enough. Certain UI design is best suited to stylus use (tiny buttons, keyboard ect)... which, I find a little bit of a nuisance initially, having to hold onto a small pen while gripping the 3DS with both hands... I think I'll get used to it though.

There are 2 external forward facing speakers, laughably dubbed "surround" sound... I find the quality of sound they produce, functional, but lacking. At full volume there isn't much volume, and the volume I do get, sounds "tinny" ... like small speakers get when you turn the volume up full. I figure this will be an earphones required device... which is another nuisance for a portable handheld device (for me at least) as it's one more thing that has to be toted around in my pocket.

Game controls feel usable enough. The circle pad works well, the d-pad is a bit tiny, the A-B-X-Y and Shoulder buttons are functional. Gripping the lower unit feels a bit thin and compact for my hands. I fear that playing anything for longer then 20 mins using the circle or d-pads will cramp my thumb and hands... (un)fortunately, this shouldn't be much of a problem, as it seems there currently isn't any games available capable of holding my attention for more then 10 minutes.

Which brings us to software, and perhaps the Achilles heel of my 3DS experience. Despite some of the points I made about the hardware and physical design of the 3DS, i find the unit to have potential and possibly quite capable of some entertaining value... but... it'll take software to showcase it... and the 3DS has none that I have initially found. Out of the box, the preloaded applications are fairly gimmicky and typically of a demonstration-like quality. Nothing out of the box is worth having to spend $250 for it (luckily, it was a gift to me).

The OS UI is directly inspired by the Wii, and it's anime "japanation" aesthetic really isn't that appealing to me. I mean, it's all subjective to the user and personal taste... but I find the pastel theme appears aimed at a younger audience... or of an entirely different demographic them me.

I went into the eShop to see what was available... and I am thoroughly disappointed... the shop looks empty... there are no worth while offerings... expect cheap throwbacks to obsolete titles of old, or corny cell-phone quality apps. There is nothing impressive available.

The line up of AAA games is rather... wanting... nothing really grabs me as something I'd want to pay $40 for. Street fighter looks neat, but I haven't been into Fighting games since the original Street Fighter on the SNES. What ever happened to good-old fashion side and top-down scrollers? What's with all the 3D that looks a bit dated... and now "enhanced" by a literal third dimension of a stereoscopic display?

Lastly... I should mention how completely inadequate the internet browser is on this device. I would have thought that a browser would be a decent non-gaming use for the portable device. Emailing, messaging, browsing and reading the internet... but the browser is junk. It's unable to run plugins which pretty much castrates it's usefulness since the modern internet is powered by a multitude of plugins. You'd think having 2 screens and a lot more display space then smart phones would make viewing web pages better... but the lack of proper navigation and viewing controls torpedoes that idea. Which is odd... since my iTouch is more then adequate and functional in regards to navigating the internet... it's actually viable if needed, unlike the 3DS which is the complete opposite. Failing Grade.

So, overall... I'm rather underwhelmed by the Nintendo 3DS and the whole notion of portable, handheld gaming... there is nothing here that isn't already possible on a smartphone (3D imaging aside) except without the actual "telephone" bit or the other functionality of a readily available smart phone.

Time will tell I guess...
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the first real title is coming out this sunday (zelda: ocarina of time)

its a remake obviously but i'm still excited for it