[Global collapse] How prepared are you RIGHT NOW?


Veteran X
I'd rather have the means to survive & not need it than to need to survive & not have the means.
Seriously. It could happen in the next hour or it may never happen.

Of course, I have my underground autonomous compound and my 100-year food/water supply so don't even think for a second that you're going to "out do" yours truly where survival preparedness is concerned.

I just want to know how you plan on surviving when the wheels come to a screeching halt.
u should buy gold because it is shiny and people will totally want it when the apocalypse happens etc etc
I don't need to be prepared. God is going to take me up to heave-n so I can polish his massive boots before anything bad happens ... you just don't have enough faith.
good luck with that as in the event of zombie apocalypse the first thing your neighboors will think is "gotta protect my shit"