Why are there no MMOFPS's?


Veteran X
Something like MW2 or halo or tribes on a huge scale with objectives and massive battles would be badass.

I know there's planetside but it's old and outdated.

It would never work. Closest thing will be FireFall which will have 100's of players for coop (pve). They haven't said anything about the mp but my guess is it will be smaller teams
It would never work. Closest thing will be FireFall which will have 100's of players for coop (pve). They haven't said anything about the mp but my guess is it will be smaller teams

Planetside was great until Sony did its absolutely best to ruin it.
planetside (beta) was one of the biggest hit-or-miss gaming experiences i've ever had

sometimes it was completely boring for hours, but occasionally it was one of the best things ever

oh, and there's something called Global Agenda now. I haven't really looked into it much, but I've heard it compared to planetside
Real reason? Because no one has given me ten million dollars and a software company. I'm still waiting for someone to make some kind of giant sci-fi combined arms game with FPS planet battles and space sim/strategy combat that can exert influence over one another.
Well that sucked but the lattice system sucked more.

I mean I understand there was a problem with people back-capping bases

but some arbitrary system of locking down bases which forces everyone into one huge clusterfuck spambattle kind of took the massive out of MMO

It became more like Clusterfuck Multiplayer Online FPS

Because you need tons of server CPU time and low-latency bandwidth for a snappy FPS experience compared to something like WoW. Planetside was way too laggy and would have probably been a lot more successful had it been developed today. Broadband connections have come a long way since 2003.
I'm still waiting for someone to make some kind of giant sci-fi combined arms game with FPS planet battles and space sim/strategy combat that can exert influence over one another.

The developers of Eve Online were working on a console based fps called Dust 514. Eve would stay in space, Dust would be planet based and they would influence each other. It's been about a year since I've heard anything on it, and since it's related to Eve it would probably be the first spreadsheet intensive fps in history.