Geocities says Goodbye!

I believe it was the first place I had any sort of web prescence on back when I used to do a lot of traveling and meeting people from a IRC group I used to hang out on.

Say farewell to GeoCities, the vintage Web-hosting site -

(CNN) -- The flashing banner ads, questionable color schemes and omnipresent "Under Construction" signs of GeoCities are no more.

The personal Web-hosting site, launched in 1995 and owned by Yahoo Inc. since 1999, was to be shut down by Tuesday.
I am in mixed feelings about this.

In once sense i am like "wow..". another i am like "good bye you ugly ass thing" and then another "its impressive its still around, i would have thought it was gone yonkers ago."
Guidelines for OFN:

- it has been posted on digg/reddit/collegehumor/fark/redtube/etc and has had at least a few hundred views
- it has been posted on the first 2 pages of TW
- if you search for the keyword on TW, similar results appear within the first search results page

If any of these conditions apply, you are posting OFN. If not, then you are excused
Wait, wait, wait...

Am I to understand that "yonkers" is a unit of time in Australia?

 Is it more or less time than a parsec? 