geocities dide


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Veteran XV
Important notice: GeoCities is closing.
Dear Yahoo! GeoCities customer,

We're writing to let you know that Yahoo! GeoCities, our free web site building service and community, is closing on October 26, 2009.

On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access your GeoCities account and files.

oops, there goes a few bucks.

Yahoo! buys GeoCities
January 28, 1999: 9:51 a.m. ET

NEW YORK (CNNfn) - Internet search engine Yahoo! Inc. confirmed Thursday it will buy GeoCities, a fast-growing Web site community, in a $3.6 billion deal that will further solidify Yahoo!'s position as a frontrunner in the online popularity contest.
That's really old. They disabled registration a whie ago for it. I am also sure they made back the initial investment with the advertisements plastered all over the place.
Geocities is a "fast-growing Web site community"? yeah ok, I had a geocities account 10 years ago and it still sucked
I remember it now!

I also remember we only had TWO MEGABYTES of storage. Then Angelfire showed up and offered everyone FIVE MEGABYTES and everyone defected...And then, Yahoo bought Geocities, and put in BANDWIDTH LIMITS and made us use usernames instead of our neighborhoods. :(
how many banner ads would it take to make back 4 billion dollars?

Who knows but they've been making billions every year. Yahoo is only starting to do cutbacksand cutting a lot of stuff, including Yahoo Brickhouse where Afex worked.
how many banner ads would it take to make back 4 billion dollars?

Over 10 years? Lets say for arguments sake, they got $0.10 per click; they'd need about 11,000,000 adclicks a day. Although, I'm sure thats not the limit to their ad scheming anyhow, i'm sure they got flat rate ad's regardless of clicks plus tons of other shit; but factoring in the costs, I doubt they made money on it.