Questions I would like to ask the president.


SGT Shred
Veteran XX
I just heard a press confrence on the way home that was broadcast on NPR. All of the reporters were asking bland questions. Presumably, this is so they can get called on in the future. If I was there I would ask the following.

Mr President. Americans are furious about the CEOs and Wall Street types that got us into this mess. You proposed salary caps for CEOs who take bailout money in the future, but what about the people who are actually responsible and have left with huge bonuses? How will you get vengeance on behalf of the public?

Mr President, time after time we have seen billions of our foriegn aid given to third world countries only to disappear into the pockets of two-bit dictators. Now we are about to pass a trillion dollar stimulus package which many fear will be a magnet for abuse and disappear into the pockets of our own domestic two-bit dictators at the state and local level. How will you ensure this money is spent wisely, and what measures will you take to prevent or punish abuse?
Mr. President why are you at Camp David after being in office for 2 weeks, can you please get back to work? Thanks.
Mr President, if you were to buy a double beef burrito at Taco Bell with a dollar bill, would you call for change?
you are not funny and you never were

stop trying to so hard

Dude. It's a serious question.

I'd like to see how he handles it.

If he says No, he kills off the dreams of millions of fat little american kids.

If he says Yes, he is a) lying to the american public, or b) deluded.


Kind regards

Dude. It's a serious question.

I'd like to see how he handles it.

If he says No, he kills off the dreams of millions of fat little american kids.

If he says Yes, he is a) lying to the american public, or b) deluded.


Kind regards


i like when someone calls you out on your terrible sense of humor you act like a little kid
oh hey i saw your post about carl sagan having testicular cancer because he smoked cannabis and we have a thread on the front page that says weed causes ball cancer

omfg you are fucking hilarious. i can't keep up with your remarkable wit and edgy posts
1. You assert that without your economic stimulus plan unemployment will reach double digits. If your stimulus plan passes, as expected, what do you project the unemployment rate to be in one year? Two years? Three years?

2. How many jobs will the bill create in its first year? In what sectors of the economy will the job growth occur?

3. What will the deficit be in 2009? 2010? 2011?

4. What will the national debt be in 2009? 2010? 2011?

5. You have said that the economic situation is so serious that failure to immediately pass the plan would be a catastrophe. If the situation’s so serious, why is most of the spending slated to occur after the recession (according to historical patterns) will likely end? And if it’s so serious, why are tens of billions being spent on frivolous items?

6. Since we don’t have the money contained in the spending bill, when will you have to raise taxes? Which taxes will be raised and on whom? What will be the highest marginal rate?

7. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the economic stimulus package will actually stifle growth. If your bill passes, what do you project the nation’s GDP to be in 2009? 2010? 2011? What do your experts say the GDP will be if your bill doesn’t pass?

8. What do you and your advisors believe your plan will do to interest rates and the rate of inflation in the next five years?

9. What’s the percentage probability that the stimulus plan will work? If you can’t give an estimate, why should we give you one trillion dollars?

10. What’s your Plan B if the economic stimulus doesn’t work? What's your exit strategy if the plan actually does harm?
Hey Durak,

I'm glad you're excited by my posting style.

Thanks for sharing your invaluable opinion.

I'm off to bed now, feel free to keep posting about me while I'm gone.

Kind regards

PS: Your opinion, as usual, means nothing to me. I hope you've enjoyed reading this sentence. And don't forget to take note of the full stop at the end of this one.
my opinion means nothing to me despite that you took 5x more time to respond to me than it did to write my posts