1998 Mccain comments regarding Osama Bin Laden


Veteran X
1998... some time after Clinton's attempt to kill Osama Bin Laden with air strikes. They failled because we had to tip off Pakistan's leadership that missiles would be going over their air space... and they tipped the taliban off, so we missed Osama by minutes. The Republicans bashed Clinton and said he was trying to distract the country from the Lewinsky scandal...

1998 Reporter Question:

You not only have had combat experience in Vietnam, but you were also a prisoner of war. When you look at terrorism right now, with people like Osama bin Laden, do you have any reservations about watching strikes like that?

1998 Mccain Response:

You could say, Look, is this guy, Laden, really the bad guy that's depicted? Most of us have never heard of him before. And where there is a parallel with Vietnam is: What's plan B? What do we do next? We sent our troops into Vietnam to protect the bases. Lyndon Johnson said, Only to protect the bases. Next thing you know.... Well, we've declared to the terrorists that we're going to strike them wherever they live. That's fine. But what's next? That's where there might be some comparison.


Now, for those not paying attention... Mccain has gone after Obama for saying that if we had intel on Bin Laden's location and pakistan did nothing... Obama would attack Bin Laden anyways. Mccain called this statement "naive" and "dangerous," arguing that it was irresponsible to say what you'd do publicly.

And he's tried to pretend Sarah Palin agrees with him, even though she's twice repeated what Obama has said.



Flame away :sunny:
In 1998 Star Wars movies were still 100% awesome.

actually in 1997 Greedo all of a sudden shot first so 95% awesome. Which is still lots of awesome.

I try to forget special edition changes. The 2nd worst after Greedo was changing from the Yub Yub song to the new one at the end of Return of the Jedi.
Still, that's no excuse to vote for Obamatopia.

Choice A:
In 1998 said Osama Bin Laden wasn't dangerous and that going after terrorism was like going into vietnam without a Plan B.

Said things were fine in Afghanistan in 2002 and that the war on terror was in Iraq.

Is fine with 7 years going by without those behind 9/11 being brought to justice or killed.

Choice B:

Has consistently kept eye on the real enemy, the real threat and said he'd go after those responsible for 9/11 if our allies are unable to.​
The REAL threat to American power are the domestic anti-imperialist whiners who think the world is nothing but hugs and kisses. If they would let us conquer and pillage it would solve a lot of problems for our country.
There is some important shit you forgot, so it looks like you weren't paying attention. Either that or you are just became a blind obamaphile like all the others.

- In 1998, Obama was not in Pakistan
- In 1998, or at least until Aug 98, Pakistan was not a nuclear power
- In 1998, Pakistan was a lot more stable than it is now

And it seems clear that McCain's whole point that just like Vietnam, if you declare a war on terror, there is effectively no end to it. These statements by McCain I wholeheartedly support and criticizing them makes you look like a partisan dipshit.

And you probably should have paid more attention to this statement
". . .These are all very tough calls, and in summary I think that what happens in Waziristan will be dictated by events in Islamabad, but I also think that we, where necessary, without in any way embarrassing our friends,"