Battle for St. Paul [video]


Veteran X
So I went to the RNC protest today and took some video of it. All in all I thought the police were pretty restrained, they didn't take excessive force from what I saw and the protesters were definitely asking for it. That being said, the police did start pushing back and in a big way. In any case, check out the video I made.

I saw on the news a cop getting tackled by a black bloc guy and then he bitch owned everyone around him with pepper spray.
When was the last time a protest actually did anything meaningful other than a bunch of loud dummies getting arrested while accomplishing nothing? :)
When was the last time a protest actually did anything meaningful other than a bunch of loud dummies getting arrested while accomplishing nothing? :)

Protests rarely get the attention of their intended target(The actual people at the RNC). Usually it's the average citizen that gets informed a bit by the protests.

The anarchists in these protest groups that cause all the rioting/looting/setting businesses ablaze are generally shunned when identified by most protesters.
I live on the Mississippi in downtown St. Paul and I cannot stand these fucking hippies invading my city. Those fuckers with the black masks who claim to be anarchists should have been shot in the face after puncturing tires and throwing shit. Between the secret service guys posted outside my condo and hippies protesting about stuff, I cannot wait for the RNC to be over with.
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Most protesters protest because they can't comprehend politics and feel its their civic duty to bitch about stupid shit like its some major important agenda.
it's fucking great to have a band called hookers and blow playing for republicans and their lobbyists :lol: