If someone actually contacts the cops online for a reason...

"mmm his lifeless liittle body will be soo tasty.. his head harbors a small, tender little brain that i can chop up and eat... mmm... i want to record myself smashing him repeatedly in the skull until his skull is mush... then ill dig my hands inside his mangled corpse and proceed to eat the tasty, deformed insides"


I just PM'd lana222222 that i know who you are and linked this thread. Have fun squirming your way out of it cuntbag.
MinneappolisMN9 (16 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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this is straight embarrasing, hes dumbin down the hip hop culture with this poetry. Get him off the stage...

TrippingOverGod (1 day ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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The sickest thing about this is that someone's actually filmed this walking abortion barely managing to string a sentence together and convulsing and acting like they're all good and accepting because of it.

Why is it that people think any life is better than no life? I guess it's a religious thing..
She just pm'd me this u r fuked.

Lana222222 is offline

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Lana222222 will become famous soon enough
I have had threats over the Internet sent to me and the same threats was sent to others as well.


1. A Police report
2. Contacting person ISP
3. Attorney sent a letter to the Individual
4. Copies of all the threats the person made given to All above.

It becomes a FBI, States Attorney General Office Matter, Police matter, because Internet is like a telephone. The individual Cross many States line.

Each state that the message on the Internet cross, each agency (above) in that State gets involved.

Monetary damages also applies. Jail time also applies. It is a Felony.
well i just commented on that vid with a link to this thread, so hopefully she did report you and they're coming to f you in the a right now


altho chances are ur just bullshittin anyway but who cares really

edit: hmm my comment won't appear for some reason :(

edit2: ok it must block links ?? bit homo
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