consoles have ruined PC games?


Veteran XV
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all console players are dumb but Bethesda (88% sure) has said that they had to remove a lot of text from their games because there is a huge part of the console crowd that does not like to read text.

so wtf is my point? Well the announcement that Fallout 3 will be on console is no surprise, they need those dollars, but I have a huge fear it will be ruined. I don't think there will be anywhere near the depth, humour, or adult themes that it predesessors had.

Maybe i'll be surprised and bethesda will come out with a rocking 3rd installment. However I STRONGLY doubt this will be the case, just look at what happened to the Rainbow Six series. It went from a tactical shooter to that game you'd play in the arcade where you had that plastic toy gun and you shot 50 bad guys per level as your dude moved from cover to cover.

With such a wide demographic that developers have to appeal to on the console (young kids to seniors), it's pretty much fucked over PC games. I can see why the developers appeal to the lowest common denominator, after all, they are a business and money speaks, but it really fucks the people over who want games with lots of depth.

just watch... FO3 will be first or third person, have a few RPG elements, little dialog with just what you need, and tons of shooting.

/end post stating the obvious
I wish all games for the PC did not come out on consoles and vice versa. I hate that there are so many lost players to one or the other. If only we could all play together. I dont see why microsoft hasnt hooked us up that way yet with the 360 --> pc servers.
You're questioning his decision that WoW is amazing when he blatantly mentioned Tribes 2 as "the best ever"?

It's no joke that when I see a condole version of PC game I assume it's just a PC port designed with the console in mind. Thus I am much more reluctant to purchase it. Bioshock, Assassin's creed -- I will have to wait and see if they are any good.

Shadowrun is a bad example, because it was obviously designed with both pc and consoles in mind. Doesn't mean it was designed well, but at least both versions were treated equally.
I don't bother with multiplatform titles. I guess a good one is theoretically possible, but I have yet to see one.
Um.. have you ever played Rogue Spear on PC? You had like 50 terrorists.. what the fuck are you talking about?

As far as Console ruined it? I agree, consoles changed the series. I liked where RS:3 was at, but ever since then it just took a dive.

And Ghost Recon? .. yeah.
The teaser Bethesda released gives me some hope, but ya... consolitus sucks. So many games are limited in scope to make it console playable. I wish there was more PC only developers.
shut up.

well, take your head out of the basket.

DX10, they're moving towards this "Windows LIVE" shit. They're starting to more and more dictate to developers how things should be done. Microsoft thinks it has the control, and they kind of do, in the PC development arena.
PC Games are doomed due to windows and the IBM-PC

it's fucking retarded how much expense and effort is required to even run the latest PC games without them being hideous

it makes total sense that gamers in general are migrating off the PC. PC gaming is basically dead.. as soon as they figure out how to make MMORPGs work well on consoles PC games will be officially finished.

Blame Windows, blame dumbasses who buy shit titles, blame horrible hardware & software compatibility issues and bugs and so forth

I mean we shouldn't be suprised. The gaming industry in general is focused on 13 year olds... most adults aren't stupid enough to drop $60 on a game that sucks. And 99% of games suck right now.