[#loveshack] You guys are missing awesome pubs.


Veteran XX
if you dont have tribes installed, your missing out big time, the pubs on loveshack from around 8pm on the past few nights in a row have been awesome, server is jamed packed right now, pple are waiting almost entire map times for people to drop so they can get in.

if you dont have it download it now

link for full tribes download is in #loveshack

<3 u all keep the community alive.
i used to think i sucked at tribes

i was wrong

NOOOOOOOOW i really really really suck at tribes :(

and yes the loveshack is sweet... almsot like old times

cept for the sucking part
my vid card is still jaxored
im getting a new one this weekend

:lol: Still putting the blame on me?


Guess posting about tribes on the other forums didn't invoke any nostalgia in any of the IE guys (Lady Booty, LoLNoW, or Natural)

WoW... Ugh.
we got a few 5150 guys playin again

Yeah, only one I can think of is Dutch unless some of them are smurfing (?). I don't think I'll ever be able to convince some of the others to come back, like Shallah is graduating from the Marines basic training next week (South Carolina here we come!), Shade is doing... well I don't know wtf he's doing but he's always busy, AdreNaLiNe doesn't want to, B-Zotch is thinking about it, and I don't think liquidh2o has the time at the moment. Those are the only people I really ever talk to from the team, the rest are pretty much MIA.

Hopefully during the summer they may have time to play a few games.

Good games tonight -- I really need to use a higher mouse sensitivity and get used to it again.
kevorkian,slam,aerobahn,dutch and theres i think 1 or 2 more

then we have

(+more which i cant remember)

players who frequent the server.
yeah special he usually idles in the #loveshack channel, if you come i'll add ya to the nick list before i go to sleep.