Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina

triple said:
so bush was warned of an impending cat 5 hurricane


breaking news

Triple is right on this one. So what if he got a weather report? The real issue is that he and FEMA totally fucked up the repair.

See, this is the kind of shit that makes liberals look bad. If there is any kind of chink in the armour that Bush has built around himself, they attack. No matter how inconsequential it is, if it's going to make decent press, they go for it.

All this does is divirt attention from FEMA, and how to improve it- which is what intelligent people are focusing on.

Liberals are fucking stupid.

p.s. since I'm very far left (and liberal) wtf am I supposed to do now?
Vlasic, phone home.
im pretty sure anyone who watched TV or heard the radio or talked to anyone knew about the hurricane coming, it wasnt really a big surprise
sounds like there was a little more than OMG rain is coming:
A top hurricane expert voiced "grave concerns" about the levees and then-
Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown told the president and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that he feared there weren't enough disaster teams to help evacuees at the Superdome.

"I'm concerned about ... their ability to respond to a catastrophe within a catastrophe," Brown told his bosses the afternoon before Katrina made landfall.
Cliffs of the tape:

Mr President, when this storm hits, 1)the levees will fail, and 2)there would be severe complications rescuing people in the Superdome.

Bush"It's ok, I have a show horse judge taking care of shit down there"
I love the French.


NWS http://www.pmates.com/galleries/met-art/2006-03/01146JoulieArcady/
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