[Katrina] The Government Fucked up Big - Media sensationalism or Fact?

I dont know about the question, but i can say that the Government's response since Katrina really makes me question where the government's priorities lie/what their true intentions are when they go off to the Middle East.


People are coming over the media/news/internet to proclaiming how poorly the US Gov has handled the post-Katrina situation.

The Government do a good job and just get unlucky/face unpredictable conditions?

or did the Government really fuck up?

Facets of the media are definetly going to spin it for sensationalism's sake. Its exciting, attention grabbing, and gets good ratings.
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they could give a fuck. Our government has been fully hijacked in case some are finally begginning to notice....
In the topic or in my statement?

People are coming over the media/news/internet to proclaiming how poorly the US Gov has handled the post-Katrina situation.

The Government do a good job and just get unlucky/face unpredictable conditions? or did the Government really fuck up?

Facets of the media are definetly going to spin it for sensationalism's sake. Its exciting, attention grabbing, and gets good ratings.
I think the only thing you can blame the government for is allowing people to live in a city that's below sea level.
Jack Cafferty just totally flipped out on CNN over the govt's response a few minutes ago. He lost it. He also said that the question of the day was, "Has the govt handled Katrina well?" and not one person said yes.
Federal authorities are trying. Blame the local government for fucking this up.

Let's all pray. Let's order the mandatory evacuation ONE DAY BEFORE "THE BIG ONE" GETS HERE.

Thousands of people may well be dead because the local government was completely inept and did not have adequate planning.
now somone goes "no the government hoped for ___ and planned for ___ but _____ happened"


we all agree

"government fucked up huge POS gov!"

bye class
BurritoMan said:
Federal authorities are trying. Blame the local government for fucking this up.

Let's all pray. Let's order the mandatory evacuation ONE DAY BEFORE "THE BIG ONE" GETS HERE.

Thousands of people may well be dead because the local government was completely inept and did not have adequate planning.

My thoughts exactly. The local gov't should have been doing the things it is starting yesterday and today before the storm hit.

Attacking the Federal gov't is stupid. It is a natural disaster. Stop trying to use it as political ammunition.
FuFu said:
In the topic or in my statement?

People are coming over the media/news/internet to proclaiming how poorly the US Gov has handled the post-Katrina situation.

The Government do a good job and just get unlucky/face unpredictable conditions? or did the Government really fuck up?

Facets of the media are definetly going to spin it for sensationalism's sake. Its exciting, attention grabbing, and gets good ratings.

Yeah, that really cleared things up. Wtf are you trying to say?
I originally thought that of all the places in the world the USA would be the best equipped to handle a disaster of this magnitude. Yet I watch the media coverage and listen to the reports that come in and I realize I was sadly mistaken. The most disappointing thing is the lack of food, supplies, water trying to be delivered to the remaining NO population. I mean I realize the roads were out but why not air drops of MREs, medical supplies and fresh water?

Another thing that kills me is the idea of rescueing people is airlifting them to a highway overpass and then leaving them with nothing. This whole thing is being handled poorly so far and I fear the death toll will be higher not by Katrina's fallout but our own inability to help people in need.
This evacuation should have started days before it hit. Last time a hurricane came my way I was evacuated from school a week before it hit. Thank god I live in a state that has some inteligence (?)(VA)(?)
Damn the federal government for not being able to predict natural disasters and damn them more for not being able to clean up the mess in a day!
The Mayor/Governor completely failed Lousiana. They've already started shifting the blame elsewhere as well. The truth of the matter is Bush declared the area a disaster area BEFORE the Hurricane hit. FEMA was already preparing what to do

The Guv'nuh and Mah'or spent Saturday night trying to figure out if it was "legal" for them to issue the order, finally Sunday morning came around and they did.

This was posted on Sunday, before the storm hit:

Last night, Nagin was under considerable pressure by state officials and weather experts to evacuate the city, but he worried about the legality of ordering people out when New Orleans had few safe hurricane shelters for them to evacuate to.

Also, National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield called Nagin at home last night and told him: get people out of New Orleans

Blanco said she received a call from President Bush offering the support of the federal government and urging emergency officials to get people out of the city as soon as possible.
Fool said:
Damn the federal government for not being able to predict natural disasters and damn them more for not being able to clean up the mess in a day!

thats nothing. my local paper made the claim iraq is diverting funding we could have used for construction on bigger walls around NO. I quote "how many lives would have been saved?" They however failed to mention such construction would have had to start around the early 90s to be effective today.

edit: found the editorial


man thats so fucked up. they couldnt even wait a week.
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I wish FuFu would stop thinking. What was it that he said? "Maybe 5% of the time" he considers meaningful things?

He needs to be informed that he's a vapid moron.
I think the bigger problem is that the weather people said: "this is what a worst case scenario could be."

And everyone thought, "oh, the worst case never happens."

And yes, actually it does.

It's a combination of stupid local government not handling the evacuation properly, the people who could have gotten out but didn't, and the federal government not throwing everything we have at the fix.