First time I ever got shit-faced : review


Veteran XX
Well, being that i've never been drunk, and I don't drink much at all. Me and some friends up at school got together in one of their frats and we started, and here is what transpired...

him - we're gonna get you shit-faced tonight...
me - nifty
him - well, here is the liquor...what do you want to try?
me - that's a cool lookin bottle, what's that...
him - jose cuervo
me - okay, that..
him (as he is pouring the shot) - you're gonna puke your fucking brains out
me - whatever (i'm dumb)

3 shots later we started playing beer pong, we lost, i consumed 2-3 beers...

i did 5 more shots of jose cuervo....i felt like i was going to throw i walk to the bathroom...i tell my friend (who is a paramedic) that i felt like i was going to throw up....he said, just do it in the toilet....i said alright...i'm soon as i turned my head, i spewed all over the floor...doh! He helps clean it up (np), then i go to the bathroom cause i feel more coming up...and it does..i puked for like 5 minutes straight....3 of those minutes were dry-heaving...ow that shit hurts....

i pass out on the floor in that state of half-consciousness and half excrutiating pain....i lay there for like 30 minutes while some of my friends come and people are surrounding me taking pictures lol, my paramedic friend stays with me a lot to make sure i'm fine...after the 30 minutes they help me get to a futon, where i proceed to pass in and out of consciousness, a bunch of people kept coming in and there were always people surrounding me...i then started to go into fits of my whole body tensing up, so my arms were literally pushing me up, i felt so strong, but so weak at the same time. i started sobbing and crying and screaming, it was so painful...then i fell asleep...

i woke up at 6:15 to *bang*bang*bang*bang*umf*umf*umf*umf! the people in the room next to us were fucking like rabbits lol, i got up and tried to find my friend but when i stood up i could barely stay straight, after a few minutes i was able to start walking and i found my friend, but went back to sleep b/c i knew we couldn't go home i fell asleep on a couch and woke up 3 hours later and we went home, i let him drive my car b/c he wasn't nearly as shit faced as i was the night before, and he said he was fine to he says "gatorade is the hang-over cure-all*, so we stop at a gas station and get some gatorade....20 minutes i throw up in a bag in my car for like 3 minutes, most of it was dry-heaving it hurt so bad.....and i got home, went to sleep and went into work...and i don't feel too bad now, but i still don't feel 100%

just thought it was a hell of a ride, and next time i will not drink such strong alcohol and mix it with beer....
this just in...
everyone 21 or up has had that same experience. no one gives a fuck
i have drank myself into oblivion, and unless i got fell somewhere on my face etc, i have never had excruciating pain from just alcohol, and never started sobbing or crying
anyone who cries because they drink too much is a pussy

now crying because you fell off a second story balcony and broke your leg while severely intoxicated, that's allowed

i cant believe you threw up AND were hung over after such a measly amount of liquor

i drink more than that on a weeknight
I don't remember the night the first time I drank, and I later urinated on myself, and threw up pure red wine all over some guys floor (both things I was told later)

Lemme tell you. Actually not having a single memory of an 8 hour period is fucking wierd. Especially when you hear about, and see things that you did. It's not like I was passed out. I just... Well.. Wasn't there.

However I can sure as hell tell you I didn't cry.