After just viewing F:9/11...


Veteran XX
Hmm...dunno yet. It makes you wonder about quite a few of those things being what is mr. moore's agenda.
JuggerNaught said:
what is mr. moore's agenda.




I too wonder what was his agenda for bashing clinton so hard back in the day...

see that's the difference, moore may be one sided but he's not a follower or a partisan hack... he's interested in progress and people doing the right thing and where he sees a problem he likes to throw his big fat spotlight on it... the "right" is different, it's more a lockstep republican mouthpiece

and p.s. moore has never even said vote for kerry to my knowledge, in fact he got wes clarke to run... but I'm sure he like a lot of people sees it is time to swallow their pride about the overall quality of the system and just pick the party that isn't about to get us all blown to smithereens
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Farenhype 9/11 is good to watch right after Farenheit 9/11. It debunks a lot of what was said, but then you have to wonder who is telling the truth. I thought it was interesting seeing some of the soldiers that Moore used in his film saying that they disagreed with what he said and that they didn't give permission to be in his film.
The thing I found interesting is that former Presidents have access to daily CIA briefings. Wtf?

while I don't like michael moore much I always find it funny that as soon as someone sees 1 thing wrong with what he's asserting it must all be wrong.

because he's fat.


if it is all untrue he could totally get sued couldn't he?
Haunt said:
why would I care to watch a conspiracy theory from a psychopath
its not a conspiracy theory when all the 'theories' are backed up by words right out of the people's mouths.

Granted a lot of this was 'hollywood'...but i didnt see anything that either hasn't been said before by other sources...yet has been pushed aside...or wasnt backed up by something showing the person or person's making the statements themselves.