What are YOUR Favorite Sci-Fi/Horror films?


Veteran X
Mine would have to be Event Horizon or John Carpenter's The Thing.

I just watched The Thing for the billionth time last night on DVD and I dunno, something about it that makes me enjoy it a lot. It's actually a shame because a lot of John Carpenter's work is quite shitty. I really really really wanted to like that 'Vampires' one he did, but I couldn't :( It was cool for the first 20 minutes, then after that it went hideously down hill.

The Thing > all other carpenter films
i liked Event Horizon becuse it reminded me of the sphere wich is my fav movie

(super nova is dumb)
more "comedy horror" in the vein of Evil Dead, but "Braindead" is worth checking out - one of Peter Jackson's early ones. Low budget and with one of the most hilariously gross scenes I've ever seen, it's a lotta fun :)
I'd have to say Event Horizon also. In the Mouth of Madness was just as freaky/good but it wasn't very Sci-Fi.